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Additional file 1 of Metabolic engineering of Zymomonas mobilis for anaerobic isobutanol production

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-01-26, 04:14 authored by Mengyue Qiu, Wei Shen, Xiongyin Yan, Qiaoning He, Dongbo Cai, Shouwen Chen, Hui Wei, Eric Knoshaug, Min Zhang, Michael Himmel, Shihui Yang
Additional file 1: Table S1. The isobutanol yield relative to the maximum theoretical yields (%) for ZMQ3-A2, ZMQ3-A3, and ZMQ3-A4 strains with the induction of tetracycline at concentrations of 0, 0.2 and 1.0 μg/mL (Tc 0, Tc 0.2, and Tc 1.0, respectively) was calculated based on the information of glucose consumed (Gluc) and the production of isobutanol (Iso) and ethanol (Eth) at the time point when most glucose was consumed up and the production of isobutanol and ethanol was the highest (h). Theoretical Isobutanol Titer (g/L) is the amount of isobutanol that can be produced from all glucose consumed, which was calculated based on the formula: Theoretical Isobutanol Titer = Glucose Consumed/180.156 (MW of Glucose)*74.122 (MW of Isobutanol). Percentage of theoretical isobutanol maximum yield (Isobutanol yield, %) was then calculated based on the isobutanol produced/Theoretical Isobutanol Titer*100%.


National Key Research and Development Program of China
