Not What You Want II

This is a follow up to a previous post.

Despite what the title says, it is what we wanted. Our paper on dongles has just been published in Journal of Cell Science. The previous post on quantixed, explained all about the paper and the background to it. The journal featured our paper as a research highlight and they also interviewed first author, Cansu Küey.

They didn’t go with our suggestion for the cover though, which would have perhaps been too much coverage… Here in all its glory is our “notthecover”. The dongles were arranged to mimic the Company of Biologists logo. I thought it was cool.

Congratulations to Cansu, Gabrielle and Nick for all their work on the dongle project. Thanks also to J Cell Sci and to the Editor for a painless publication process. The paper is open access.

The post title comes from “Not What You Want” by Sleater-Kinney from their wonderful Dig Me Out record.