Walking around the mounted skeleton of Apatosaurus louisae

March 22, 2019

In case you haven’t gotten to do this, or need a refresher, or just want a little more Apatosaurus in your life. And honestly, who doesn’t? As with the previous Diplodocus walk-around, there’s no narration, just whatever ambient sound reached the mic. Go have fun.

3 Responses to “Walking around the mounted skeleton of Apatosaurus louisae

  1. […] You know the drill. For ground-level Diplodocus, go here, for Apatosaurus, go here. […]

  2. […] Walking around the mounted skeleton of <i>Apatosaurus louisae</i> […]

  3. […] museum. These trips are amazingly productive and generate a ton of observations, photos and videos, which we’re then able to turn into science, which in turn becomes papers. But because Matt […]

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