Mechanical Comics #14

One-page comic of 9 panels, three in each row, all the same size. Bricks (a tunnel, a dungeon?), hooded figure, woman with scarf and candle, person with scarf and candle facing skulls on the floor, other hooded person looking at skulls on the floor, bending to write on the skulls. Excuse the bad alt-testing, one does what one can.
No. 14, 15/12/22. By Ernesto Priego, reusing public domain images from the British Library. This comic reuses a digitised image from page 252 of “La Bulgarie Danubienne et le Balkan. Études de voyage, 1860-1880 … Édition française publiée sous la direction de l’auteur. Illustrée, etc” by Felix Philipp Kanitz, Paris, 1882, British Library 001925467 (physical copy) and 014860582 (digitised copy), Public Domain.