I am about a great work

January 21, 2023

I’m also teaching in two anatomy courses and in the process of moving residences (hence bins and boxes and whatnot), so the timing’s…not great. But needs must when the devil drives.

Further bulletins as events warrant.

6 Responses to “I am about a great work”

  1. llewelly Says:

    A brachiosaur humerus in your living room!

    Now that’s working from home in style.

    (Although the humerus having a rather different depth-of-field and perspective than everything else hints that it may have been shooped into the photo during post-processing. But we’ll let that slide. )

  2. llewelly Says:

    On second thought, I don’t know why I didn’t see it as a poster of the brachiosaur humerus in the first place. But there you go.

  3. Andrew Thomas Says:

    …rereading the Bounty Hunter Wars? 😉

  4. Matt Wedel Says:

    On second thought, I don’t know why I didn’t see it as a poster of the brachiosaur humerus in the first place. But there you go.


    I was gonna say, that would be a weird use of photoshop, like a lot of effort to do something extremely not-awesome.

    So, yeah, I’m making a life-size brachiosaur humerus standee. More pics to come.

    …rereading the Bounty Hunter Wars?

    Not exactly. I needed paperweights and they were on top of my “to donate” pile.

  5. Mike Taylor Says:

    I, too, initially saw that as being the humerus itself, for some reason in your living room.

    By the way, the 1970s called. It wants its carpet back.

  6. […] I started with a life-size poster print of FHPR 17108, the complete right humerus of Brachiosaurus from Brachiosaur Gulch in Utah (the story of the discovery and excavation of that specimen is here). I used the image shown above, scaled to print at 7 feet by 3 feet. You can see that print lying on my living room floor in the previous post. […]

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