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Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2018; 58(3): 473-479

Published online September 30, 2018

Copyright © Kyungpook Mathematical Journal.

Notes on Chain Rings and Radicals

Sodnomkhorloo Tumurbat*, Dagva Dayantsolmon and Tumenbayar Khulan

Department of Mathematics, National University of Mongolia, Ikh Surguuliin Gudamj-1, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
School of Applied Science, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, Baga Toiruu, Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
e-mail : stumurbat@hotmail.com

Department of Mathematics, National University of Mongolia, Ikh Surguuliin Gudamj-1, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
e-mail : dayantsolmon@num.edu.mn and hulangaaa@yahoo.com

Received: March 6, 2018; Revised: July 5, 2018; Accepted: July 7, 2018

We investigate connections in the classes of rings with chain property and the lattice of strongly hereditary radicals.

Keywords: rings, prime like radicals, chain rings, radicals has the Amitsur properties.

In this paper we will study associative rings, not necessarily with identity. The notation IA means that I is an ideal of a ring A. Recall that a (Kurosh-Amitsur) radical γ is a class of rings which

  • is closed under homomorphic images,

  • is closed under extensions (for I an ideal of the ring A, if I and A/I are in γ, then also Aγ),

  • has the inductive property (if I1I2 ⊆ … ⊆ Iλ … is a chain of ideals in the ring A = ∪Iλ and each Iλγ, then Aγ).

We denote by ℒ(ℳ), the lower radical class generated by a class ℳ of rings. It is well known that the collection L of all radical classes forms a complete lattice with respect to inclusion of radical classes, where the meet and the join of a family of radical classes γλ, λ ∈ Λ are defined by

λΛγλ=λΛγλ         and         λΛγλ=L(λΛγλ),

respectively. A radical class will always mean a Kurosh-Amitsur radical class. Sometimes we say only radical for a radical class. For the basic facts and terminology of radical theory we refer to [1]. Although collections of radicals do not form a set, it is custommary to talk about lattices of radicals. We denote by Ass the class of all associative rings. We recall, a radical γ is small [2, 6] if and only if


for each proper radical γ′. Dually, call a non zero radical γlarge if and only if


for each proper radical γ′.

Let ℳ be a class of rings. We recall that ℳ is an universal class of rings, if ℳ is closed under homomorphic images and ideals. From [3], recall a relation σ on the class of rings is called an H relation if σ satisfies the following properties:

  • (i) BσA implies B is subring of A,

  • (ii) if BσA and f is a homomorphism of A, then f(B)σf(A),

  • (iii) if BσA and IA then (BI)σI.

In this paper we assume that the H relation σ satisfies also the following additional condition:

  • (iv) if f is a homomorphism of A and f(B)σf(A) then also BσA.

We also recall, a class ℳ of rings is said to be σ-hereditary if BσA ∈ ℳ implies B ∈ ℳ.

There exist many such H relations with property (iv) (see [3]).

Proposition 1.1

([3, Theorem 4]) Let σ be an H relation. If ℳ is a class of rings which is closed under homomorphic images and is σ-hereditary, then ℒ(ℳ) is also σ–hereditary.

Definition 2.1

A ring A is said to have the chain property if either

SS1or S1S

for any subrings S and S1 of A.

We denote by 〈a〉 the subring of A generated by the element aA.

Proposition 2.2

A ring A has the chain property if and only if either

ab         or         ba

for any a, b ∈ A.


(⇒) clear.

(⇐) Suppose that the subrings S, S1 of A fulfills SS1 and S1S. Then there exist elements a, b of A such that aS, aS1 and bS1, bS. By the assumption, we have either 〈a〉 ⊆ 〈b〉 or 〈b〉 ⊆ 〈a〉. If 〈a〉 ⊆ 〈b〉 then 〈a〉 ⊆ 〈b〉 ⊆ S. Hence aS. This is a contradiction. Therefore, 〈b〉 ⊆ 〈a〉 ⊆ S1. Thus bS1, again a contradiction. Hence we have either SS1 or S1S. It shows that A is a ring with the chain property.

Corollary 2.3

Let A be a ring with the chain property. Then A is commutative.


We consider elements a, bA. Then either 〈a〉 ⊆ 〈b〉 or 〈b〉 ⊆ 〈a〉 by Proposition 2.2. Suppose that 〈a〉 ⊆ 〈b〉. Then 〈b〉 is a commutative ring we have [a, b] = 0.

Let CH be the class of rings defined by

CH={AAis a ring with the chain property}

A class ℳ of rings said to be matrix-extensible if A ∈ ℳ if and only if the matrix ring Mn(A) ∈ ℳ for any natural number n.

Corollary 2.4

CH is not matrix extensible.


It is easy to see that ℤpCH, where p is a prime number. If Mn(ℤp) ∈ CH, where n ≥ 2, then by Corollary 2.3, Mn(ℤp) is a commutative ring. But Mn(ℤp) is not commutative. Thus Mn(ℤp) ∉ CH.

We recall that a class ℳ of rings said to be strongly hereditary if it satisfies: If A is a ring in ℳ, then every subring S of A is in ℳ.

Proposition 2.5

CH is a strongly hereditary universal class of rings.


We shall show that CH is strongly hereditary. Let ACH and S is a subring of A. Since A has the chain property, for any a, bSA, we have either 〈a〉 ⊆ 〈b〉 or 〈b〉 ⊆ 〈a〉. Thus, by Proposition 2.2, S has the chain property. This shows that CH is a strongly hereditary. In particular, CH is hereditary class of rings. Now we claim that CH is closed class under homomorphic images. Let Ā = A/H be a homomorphic image of ACH. We consider any subrings , S1¯ of Ā. Then there exist subrings S, S1 of A such that S¯=SH,S1¯=S1H, where HSS1. Since A is in CH, we have either SS1 or S1S. If SS1, then S¯=SHS1H=S1¯. Therefore S¯S1¯. The other case gives S1¯S¯.

Proposition 2.6

CH has the inductive property.


Let A = ∪Iα be a ring, where


with each IαA and IαCH. We consider any elements a, bA. Then there exists Iα, such that a, bIα. Since IαCH, we have either 〈a〉 ⊆ 〈b〉 or 〈b〉 ⊆ 〈a〉. Therefore, by Proposition 2.2, ACH.

Theorem 2.7

ℒ(CH) is strongly hereditary and large in the lattice of all strongly hereditary radicals. Moreover it contains all atoms of the lattice of all strongly hereditary radicals.


We shall show that ℒ(CH) is strongly hereditary and by Proposition 1.1, ℒ(CH) is strongly hereditary in the special case σ =“subring of”. Now we claim that ℒ(CH) is a large radical in the lattice of all strongly hereditary radicals.

First of all, we will be see that every non zero strongly hereditary radical γ contains a prime field ℤp or a simple zero ring p0 with prime order. Let us consider a ring Aγ and a nonzero element aA. Since γ is strongly hereditary, the subring 〈a〉 ∈ γ. Using Zorn’s lemma, there exists an ideal I of 〈a〉 which is maximal respect to aI. Then the factor ring a¯=a/I is a simple ring and a¯γ.

If a¯2=0¯, then by the simplicity of a¯,a¯ is a zero ring of prime order. If a¯20¯ then by the commutativity of a¯,a¯ is a field. Thus the subring of a¯ generated by the unit element of a¯ is isomorphic to the ring ℤ of integers or to the prime field ℤp of p elements. By the strong hereditariness of γ the relation a¯γ implies ℤ ∈ γ or ℤpγ holds and in both cases ℤpγ. Thus every strongly hereditary radical γ contains either a finite prime field or a simple zero-ring with prime order. But it is clear that CH contains all finite prime fields and all simple zero-rings with prime order. Thus ℒ(CH) ∩ γ ≠ 0, for every strongly hereditary radical 0 ≠ γ. Hence ℒ(CH) is a large radical in the lattice of all strongly hereditary radicals.

From the above, every atom γ0 in the lattice of all strongly hereditary radicals is generated by either a finite prime field or a simple zero-ring of prime order. Thus γ0 ⊆ ℒ(CH).

We denote by the collection of all strongly hereditary and large radicals.

Proposition 2.8

is a complete sublattice in the lattice of all strongly hereditary radicals. is atomic and not coatomic.


We consider radicals γ1, …, γα … such that . Since and each γs is large in the lattice of all strongly hereditary radicals, each γα contains all simple zero-rings with prime order and all prime fields. By Proposition 1.1, ℒ(∪γα) is strongly hereditary. It is clear that ∩γα is strongly hereditary. Hence ℒ(∪γα) and ∩γα contain all simple zero-rings with prime order and all prime fields. Therefore ℒ(∪γα) and ∩γα are large radicals in the class of all strongly hereditary radicals. We denote by γ0 the lower radical generated by all simple zero-rings with prime order and all prime fields. Then it is clear that γ0 is an atom in .

Let X = {x1, …, xλ, …} be an infinite set of symbols. Then by Proposition 2.8 in [2], the lower radical ℒ(F[X]) determined by the free ring F[X] is strongly hereditary. It is also σ-hereditary and small in the lattice of all radicals. Moreover, ℒ(F[X]) is large in the lattice of all strongly hereditary radicals. Suppose that γ0 is a coatom in . Then there exists a free ring F[X] such that F[X] ∉ γ0. Since ℒ(F[X]) is small in the lattice of all radicals, we have


Thus, is not coatomic.

We denote by , the collection of all radicals γ such that γγα ≠ 0 for every .

Proposition 2.9

is a complete sublattice in the lattice of all radicals.


Let A be a simple zero-ring with prime order or a prime field. Then ℒ(A) is strongly hereditary and an atom in the lattice of all hereditary radicals. Let us consider . Then ℒ(A) ∩ γα ≠ 0 and also ℒ(A) ⊆ γα. Hence ∩γα contains all simple zero-rings with prime order and all prime fields. Thus (∩γα) ∩ γβ ≠ 0 and also ℒ(∪γα) ∩ γβ ≠ 0 for every .

Corollary 2.10

is atomic and not coatomic.


This can be proved in a similar way as the proof of Proposition 2.8.

We recall from [4] the definition of an (hereditary) Amitsur ring and the definition of the radicals and . A ring A is said to be an (hereditary) Amitsur ring if γ(A[x]) = (γ(A[x]) ∩ A)[x], for all (hereditary) radicals γ, respectively. Let us recall and as follows:




Remark 2.11

and .

A radical γ said to be prime-like if for every prime ring A, the polynomial ring A[x] is γ-semisimple. Let as consider the following condition (h) and the class ch.

  • (h): If A is a ring with the chain property, then ĀSA for every homomorphic image Ā of A, where S is a subring of A. ch={AAis a ring with condition (h)}

Lemma 2.12

Let A ∈ ch and suppose A is without zero-divisors. Then A is a field with char(A) = p where p is a prime number.


We shall show that aaA for every element aA. By Corollary 2.3, we have aAA. Let aaA, for an element aA. Then Ā = A/aA ≠ 0̄. It is clear that (a + aA)2aA. Therefore Ā has a nonzero nilpotent element. By condition (h), A has a nonzero nilpotent element, which is a contradiction. Thus aAa for every aA. There exists an element e such that ae = ea = a. It is clear that aa2A. Thus there exists xA such that ax = e. Hence A is a field. Suppose that charA = 0 and let e be the unit element of A. Then there exists a subring S of A which is isomorphic to ℤ. Therefore S does not have the chain property which is a contradiction.

Lemma 2.13

Let A ∈ ch. If A has a nonzero zero-divisor, then A is a nil ring.


By Proposition 2.2, A has a nonzero nilpotent element. Put

I={aAan=0,for a natural number n}.

It is clear that , where is the nil radical. Moreover,


and S has a nonzero nilpotent element. Therefore, since A is commutative ring , which is a contradiction. Thus .

Proposition 2.14

Let A ∈ ch. If A has a nonzero zero-divisor then β(A) = A, where β is the Baer radical.


First of all, we claim that 0 ≠ β(A) for any ring Ach which has a nonzero zero-divisor. Note that by Lemma 2.13, A is a nil ring. Let us consider the case β(A) ≠ A. Then there exists an element aA such that an = 0 and aA ≠ 0. If aA = A, then 0 ≠ A = aA = a2A = … = anA = 0. This is impossible. Hence aAA. Therefore there exists a non-zero element bA and baA with bm = 0 for some natural m. It is clear that aA ⊊ 〈b〉. Thus aA is a nilpotent ideal of A. Therefore 0 ≠ β(A), for any ring Ach which has a nonzero zero-divisor. Since β(A) ≠ A there exists cA such that β(A) ⊊ ℤc+cAA. It is clear that ℤc+cA is a nilpotent ideal of A. Thus β(A/β(A)) ≠ 0. It is a contradiction.

Corollary 2.15

Let A ∈ ch. Then either A is a field or A = β(A).


It follows from Lemma 2.12, Proposition 2.14.

A radical γ has the Amitsur property if

γ(A[x])=(γ(A[x])A)[x],for all ringsA.

Theorem 2.16

([4]) Every β-radical ring A is a hereditary Amitsur ring.

Proposition 2.17

Let γ ⊆ β be a radical. Then γ is a prime-like radical.



For a radical γ, let γx = {A | A[x] ∈ γ}.

Proposition 2.18

([5, Corollary 13]) Let γ be a radical with β ⊆ γ. Then γ is prime-like if and only if γx = β and γ has he Amitsur property.

Theorem 2.19

γ = ℒ(β ∪ ℒ(ch)) has the Amitsur property and γx = β.


By Corollary 2.15, ch = CD and CD = ∅︀, where C is the class of Baer radical rings with condition (h) and D is the class of fields with the chain property. By Proposition 2.17 ℒ(C) is prime-like and it is not hard to check that ℒ(C)(A[x]) = 0, for all prime rings A. Hence ℒ(CD) = ℒ(ℒ(C) ∪ ℒ(D)). Thus ℒ(ch) is prime-like and also γ is prime-like. Hence by Proposition 2.18 we have β = γx and γ has the Amitsur property.

We put ℱ = {all fields}. Let denote the upper radical class generated by a class ℳ of rings.

Corollary 2.20

If then A is a hereditary Amitsur ring.


Let be a nonzero semiprime ring. Then A has a nonzero accessible subring BD, where D is the class of fields with chain property. Since B is a field, we have B2 = BA and also B is direct sumand of A. Then there exists a ring B′ such that A = BB′. Therefore we have . Since B is a field we have


which is a contradiction. Hence . Therefore, Theorem 2.16 implies that A is a hereditary Amitsur ring.

The authors thank the referee for his valuable comments that greatly improved the manuscript.

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  4. Tumurbat, S (). On Amitsur rings. to appear in Quaest Math.
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