耳鼻咽喉科臨床 補冊
Online ISSN : 2185-1557
Print ISSN : 0912-1870
ISSN-L : 0912-1870
めまい患者におけるSchellong testの再検討(第2報)
今村 俊一野沢 出今村 まゆみ中山 久代橋本 かおり久松 建一村上 嘉彦
ジャーナル フリー

1995 年 1995 巻 Supplement79 号 p. 73-79


In our previous communicaiton on an analysis of dizzy patients, we reported that there was a significant difference between patients with dizziness of indeterminate etiology and age-matched healthy control subjects in the incidence of positivity on the Schellong test, while no significant difference was observed between dizzy patients with peripheral vestibular disorder and healthy controls. We speculated that these results may be explained by the fact that a substantial number of patients with orthostatic dysregulation or autonomic imbalance were included among dizzy patients of indeterminate etiology.
We further attempted to analyze data obtained exclusively from 149 adult patients with dizziness of indeterminate etiology (34 males and 115 females), who were not diagnosed with either peripheral or central vestibular dysfunction, conforming to the procedure using the Schellong test to determine whether their symptoms were directly related to autonomic nervous system dysfunction. Ninety age-matched healthy individuals without a history of dizziness or vertigo were selected as controls (42 males and 48 females).
The results obtained in the present study were as follows:
1) Patients with dizziness of indeterminate etiology showed a higher incidence of positivity on the Schellong test than healthy control subjects. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant. Our previous data reported elsewhere were thus confirmed by the present study.
2) Since the five major and six minor items listed in the questionnaire for orthostatic dysregulation are known to be composed entirely of so-called autonomic imbalance symptoms, patients were divided into two groups based on responses to a questionnaire; one having subjective symptoms of autonomic imbalance (6 males and 29 females for a total of 35) and the other not (28 males and 86females for a total of 114). Patients with autonomic imbalance disclosed a higher incidence of positivity on the Schellong test as compared to patients without symptoms. Among the former patients, a decrease of systolic pressure on standing, in particular, was more prominent than that among the latter.

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