Wiesława Gierańczyk https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1771-9228 , Dominik Ziółkowski https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9779-094X

(Angielski) PDF


The pace of changes taking place in the contemporary world creates demand for current data at the lowest possible level of territorial aggregation, enabling the assessment of the impact of these changes on local labour markets. Data resources gathered in registers and administrative systems directly or indirectly related to employment seem to provide an opportunity to satisfy these new expectations. However, to be able to use administrative resources for statistical purposes, it is necessary to make allowances for the fact that the administrators of registers and administrative systems collect data to satisfy their own needs and that official statistics reuses them.
The aim of the article is to show the analytical opportunities which administrative data sources provide and to demonstrate that they can complement or even replace traditional methods of collecting data on employed persons. The experimental adaptation of data from these sources for statistical purposes proves that, for example, data on employed persons, calculated on the basis of the resources of the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) and the Agricultural Social Insurance Fund (KRUS), correspond almost fully in terms of definitions with data collected by official statistics. The readiness to come to terms with slight methodological differences related to the count of employed persons in agriculture or persons employed for the purpose of vocational training or agents will make it possible to provide users with this important labour market statistics faster, more frequently, and in aggregations different than those recently offered by official statistics, while limiting or even eliminating many reporting obligations imposed on the national economy entities.
This article describes official statistics’ current methods of researching employed persons and compares them with the experimental method of calculating the number of these persons on the basis of administrative data sources. Due to the fact that data calculated by means of the experimental method are characterised by a multitude of new information, we decided to present here only selected examples of their analyses and contribution to expanding the knowledge about employed persons in the Polish economy. We would also like to emphasise that data used for this purpose refer to all employed persons (in all entities, including the smallest ones with the maximum of nine employed persons). Other advantages of the administrative data sources are the monthly availability of data and the possibility of aggregating them down to gmina (the lowest local administrative unit) level.


labour market, employed persons, administrative data sources


C10, E24


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