Relationship between Natural Economic Resource and Vocational Choice among Nigeria Youth: Psychological Implications

  •  Mary Nwoke    


This study investigated the relationship between natural economic resources and vocational choice among Nigerian youth. The study grouped the country into three regions, eastern, western and northern regions. This study, first of its kind, explored vocational choice among Nigerian youth. Thirty-six participants, twelve from each region (6 men, 6 women) completed the semi-structured interviews and qualitative data collected was analyzed using a grounded theory approach. The findings presented a preliminary understanding of the relationship between natural economic resources and vocational choice among Nigerians. Qualitative interviews unveiled the presence of natural economic resources that provide vocations to Nigerians. Palms in the east provide the greatest vocational choice. Cocoa in the west provides the greatest vocational choice. Game reserve in the north gainfully employs people. Psychologically, people value the gift of nature in their locality. Finally through thematic analysis, the study revealed that things have changed with education, science and technology. Some Nigerians have become entrepreneurs by utilizing the natural resources prevalent in their environment. Entrepreneurs play an integral role in creating job opportunities and alleviate unemployment in Nigeria.

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