Content of review 1, reviewed on November 21, 2017

Review of "zUMIs - A fast and flexible pipeline to process RNA sequencing data with UMIs"

Summary: Parekh et al. describe a computational pipeline to preprocess single-cell RNA-seq data that contains UMIs and cell barcodes. The main components of the pipeline include sequence quality filtering of UMIs and barcodes, a wrapper to call the mapping software STAR, selection of cell barcodes, and downsampling of reads to lower library size. While other tools exist that perform all of these steps either all together or individually for one or more platforms, the novelty of zUMIs is that it performs all of these steps at once for data from any UMI platform. Such a tool would likely be useful for the single-cell community, however many methodological details are missing. In addition the manuscript could benefit from additional comparison to existing tools.

The authors also argue that in general quantification of gene expression should incorporate intron-mapping reads, a task which is enabled by the use of their software. However, I have reservations about the evidence upon which this conclusion is based.

I have identified several issues that the authors should address in order to improve the manuscript, which are detailed below and divided into major (of critical importance) and minor (to improve clarity) categories.

Major Comments: 1. Methodological details are missing throughout. The method should be described more completely and clearly, and any analyses or comparisons should be made reproducible. For example: * What differential expression method was used in the simulation study to compare UMItools and zUMI? * What options were used with powsimR in the simulation study? * How is the k-dimensional multivariate normal distribution fit in the cell barcode selection step? * How is k determined in the cell barcode selection step? * How was data simulated for the intron evaluation? * What options were used in applying the Seurat pipeline to cluster cells?

  1. One major conclusion of the paper is that incorporation of intron-mapping reads significantly improves cluster resolution. It is perhaps not surprising that including the intron counts results in a higher mean number of genes detected, but the authors conclude that since more clusters are also found that this means the additional reads are biologically meaningful. Unfortunately, the authors have not provided any evidence that this is the case. The fact that more clusters are seen says nothing about the difference between technical and biological sources of variation. If these additional clusters also corresponded to some independently measured biological covariate, the argument would have basis.

  2. Many central conclusions of the article were made based on an analysis of a dataset of 96 cells that is never described. It is referred to as "the HEK dataset" throughout the manuscript, but no citation, details of data generation, or description of the experimental design is given.

  3. Several open-source tools exist that perform many of the steps in the zUMI pipeline [1, 2, 3]. It would be nice to see how these perform in comparison to zUMI.

  4. The conclusion that a UMI distance filter (using UMI-tools) is unnecessary is only based on a single simulated dataset of up to 90 cells per condition. It is also based on a single metric (power to identify differentially expressed genes in simulated data). If we are only interested in differential expression analyses, this might be a reasonable metric. However to be widely applicable to the analysis of single cell RNA-seq, the authors should consider additional metrics such as replicate reproducibility, number of detected genes, etc. The authors should also consider additional datasets.

  5. It is not clear how the simulation parameters in the comparison to UMI-tools directly relate to the UMI quantification. Specifically, estimating the mean and dispersion of the processed data and then using these as the basis for a simulated dataset seems pretty far removed from the observed UMI counts. The authors should also investigate differences in differential expression analysis of the actual data (not simulated data). They could also generate a simulated null comparison by randomly permuting sample labels. The same comments hold for the second simulation (evaluating intron count inclusion).

Minor Comments: 1. The results of the simulation evaluating intron usage are summarized broadly in the text, but the specific results are not shown. For example what does "power to detect differentially expressed genes was similar for the exon and exon+intron counts" mean? How similar? What were the values?

  1. The pipeline requires the user to specify many parameters for each step, however the implementation is run with one command. This means that if a user wants to change a single parameter in one of the later steps, they would still have to rerun the entire pipeline, wasting time and computational resources. It would be useful if the pipeline could alternatively be run as a series of individual steps so that the same exact steps don't need to be carried out multiple times in these situations.

  2. In the cell barcode selection step, the authors state that they remove "all barcodes that fall in the lower 1% tail of this distribution." What is the justification for this? What does this correspond to in practice? This threshold should also be denoted in Figure 3A.

  3. What are the practical guidelines for downsampling? How should it be used in practice to normalize for sequencing depth?

  4. In the documentation online, section on cell barcode selection (here:, Figure A is contradictory to Figure 3A in the manuscript. Specifically, the online documentation says "cells left to the blue line are selected" and the manuscript says "cell barcodes with reads above the blue line are selected."

  5. As a main advantage of zUMIs is the ability to apply on any UMI platform, the documentation should clearly state how to use the software in each case. Currently, this is unclear, as for example in the case of the "-c" option the wiki on GitHub ( states that "For STRT-seq/InDrops give this as 1-n where n is your first cell barcode(-f) length." But it also states in the very next line "For InDrops give this as 1-n where n is the total length of cell barcode(e.g. 1-22)," which is contradictory to what the previous line states about InDrops.

References: [1] Luyi Tian, Shian Su, Daniela Amann-Zalcenstein, Christine Biben, Shalin H. Naik, Matthew E. Ritchie. scPipe: a flexible data preprocessing pipeline for single-cell RNA-sequencing data. bioRxiv 175927; doi:

[2] Serghei Mangul, Sarah Van Driesche, Lana S. Martin, Kelsey C. Martin, Eleazar Eskin. UMI-Reducer: Collapsing duplicate sequencing reads via Unique Molecular Identifiers. bioRxiv 103267; doi:

[3] Viktor Petukhov, Jimin Guo, Ninib Baryawno, Nicolas Severe, David Scadden, Maria G. Samsonova, Peter V. Kharchenko. Accurate estimation of molecular counts in droplet-based single-cell RNA-seq experiments. bioRxiv 171496; doi:

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Authors' response to reviews: In particular, both reviewers feel that some of your results that have been achieved by simulation need to be backed up with an analysis of real data (reviewer 1, #2; reviewer 2, #6). I also agree with reviewer 2 that it is important to compare the performance of (parts of) your pipeline with existing tools that perform steps in the zUMI pipeline.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: Thank you for the useful comments. We have now backed up the comparison of UMI collapsing approaches by analysis of real data. To this end, we have added descriptive statistics plots in a new Figure 2. This data also shows how well gene expression estimates correspond between published pipelines and zUMIs. Furthermore, we have added a Table showing presence or absence of important features in existing tools and zUMIs.

Reviewer 2's comments regarding technical and biological sources of variation (#2 in the report) is another crucial point that needs careful consideration when you are preparing a revised submission.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: We have added a deeper analysis of the DroNc-seq dataset to show more in detail the biological relevance of adding Intronic counts (see detailed answer in the Response to Reviewers) below. Additionally, we show that the Intronic counts are not artifacts by sampling fake random Intronic reads and showing that this actually decreases cluster resolution (for more details see response to Reviewer 1, comment 3).

It is important that the description of your methods allows full reproducibility - please include missing details, as outlined by our reviewers.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: We have added a detailed Methods section in the paper to carefully describe the datasets and analysis strategies.

Reviewer #1: Parekh and coworkers introduce a pipeline to process high throughput scRNA-seq data consisting of cell barcodes and UMIs. This is an open-source software that also supports features such as reads downsampling and Intron counting - the latter is important for single nucleus RNA-seq data. Overall, this is a useful study and I would like to support its publication, but the current manuscript could greatly benefit with additional biological analysis (related to Fig 4) that would prompt users to take notice. I would like to support its publication, contingent on the authors addressing the following comments.

  1. The pipeline appears to collapse only identical UMIs. We have found in our experience that this can lead to overcounting of transcripts, and that it is necessary to collapse UMIs mapping to the same gene in the same cell within an edit distance of 1. I would be curious to see how this impacts the number of transcripts detected per cell.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: zUMIs now also offers the option to collapse UMIs based on Hamming distance and add a plot comparing the number of UMIs/cell for 4 different approaches (updated Figure 1). We also extended the text accordingly:

“Per default, we only collapse UMIs by sequence identity. If there is a risk that a large proportion of UMIs remains under-collapsed due to sequence errors, zUMIs provides the option to collapse UMIs within a given Hamming distance. We compare the two zUMIs UMI-collapsing options to the recommended directional adjacency approach implemented in UMI-tools [15], using our in-house example dataset (see Methods). zUMIs identity collapsing yields nearly identical UMI counts per cell as UMI-tools, while Hamming distance yields increasingly fewer UMIs/cell with increasing sequencing depth (Figure 2C). Smith et al. [15] suggest that edit distance collapsing without considering the relative frequencies of UMIs might indeed overreach and over-collapse the UMIs. We suspect that this is indeed what happens in our example data, where we find that gene-wise dispersion estimates appear suspiciously truncated as expected if several counts are unduly reduced to one, the minimal number after collapsing (Figure 2D). However, note that the above described differences are minor. By and large, there is good agreement between UMI counts obtained by UMI-tools [15], the Drop-seq pipeline [24] and zUMIs. The correlation between gene-wise counts of the same cell is > 0.99 for all comparisons (Figure 2B). In light of this, we would consider the > 3 times higher processing speed of zUMIs a decisive advantage (Figure 2A)“

  1. The authors use simulations to describe the impact of Intron counting on differential expression. I would instead like to see this on real data. In particular I would like to see examples of "before/after" plots (e.g. violin plots/heatmaps) of specific genes that (1) were called out as differentially expressed (DE) but no longer are once introns are incorporated, (2) the reverse of (1), and (3) those that remain DE but with significantly different statistical significances.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: To analyse real data we use the DroNc-seq data from Habib et al. (2017). We analyse the log2 fold changes (LFC) for the groups that were split up more when using Exon+Intron counting (see the new Figure 4F) and we added a description of our findings to the main text.

“Following the Seurat pipeline to cluster cells [30, 31], we find that using Exon+Intron counts discriminates 28 clusters, while we could only discriminate 19 clusters using Exon counts (Figure 4A+B). We then continue to further characterize the 7 clusters that were further subdivided by the addition of Intron counts (Figure 4D). First, we identify differentially expressed (DE) genes between the newly formed clusters. If we count only Exon reads there appears on average only 10 genes to be DE between the sub-groups, while Exon+Intron counting yields ∼10x more DE genes, thus corroborating the signal found with clustering. The log2-fold changes estimated for the additional DE genes estimated with either counting strategy are generally in good agreement, especially large log2-fold changes are detected with both Exon and Exon+Intron counting (Figure 4F).“

  1. I am also not convinced of the result claiming more clusters when introns are included. What is the evidence that these clusters are not spurious? The detection of additional clusters is not evidence enough that these are real. It would be useful to show a heatmap demonstrating that there is true, biologically significant differential expression between the novel clusters detected by the Intron counting.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: We now added plots with the numbers of DE genes distinguishing the newly split clusters for both Exon+Intron as well as Exon counting (Figure 4D). Note that with the number of DE genes also the more informative marker genes such as the example in Figure 4E are detected. Thus, even though we do not fully understand the biological meaning of the more fine grained clusters, we are confident that they are indeed based on a biological signal from the RNA-seq data. Additionally, we demonstrate this, by sampling randomly from the distribution of intronic counts and adding to the exonic counts. The resulting extra-noise in fact leads to a lower number of clusters detected: 19 Exon 28 Intron+Exon 7 fake Intron+Exon (see plot in attached “Additional File 1”).

  1. For completeness, I would like if the authors could include a section comparing their "exon-counts" matrix with the count matrix produced by either the cellranger or Drop-seq-tools for datasets that have been classically analyzed by the latter methods. This would produce some confidence in the base reproducibility of the methods. If on the other hand, zUMIs produces a different Exon count matrix, then the authors must explain why this is the case.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: Unfortunately, we could not run the cellranger pipeline on our example dataset, because it does not allow to freely specify cell barcodes. Instead we compare to the Drop-seq and the UMI-tools pipelines. We generally find a high correlation between the number of UMIs per gene detected in a cell. The slight discrepancies between zUMIs and the Drop-seq-tools are due to how reads are associated with genes. For example zUMIs does not count ambiguously mapped reads, i.e. reads that overlap with multiple genes, while Drop-seq counts them for all genes. UMI-tools on the other hand also uses featureCounts for read association, however their recommended method to collapse UMIs by directional adjacency with edit distance 1 differs from the options in zUMIs. Here, our newly added feature of collapsing UMIs Hamming distance yields as expected the most similar counts. These results are now included in Figure 2C.

  1. In Figure 4, the authors show to show a confusion matrix to compare how clusters in A map to clusters in B. Also for those clusters that multi-map (i.e. those resolved by intron-Exon mapping but not by exon-mapping alone), is there biologically meaningful differential expression? Some examples of specific cell types and their gene expression differences in A vs B would be very informative.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: We added an example for a subsplit of a mainly GABAergic cluster that also has significantly DE Marker gene for Pvalb GABAergic neurons when considering Intron+Exon counts in Figure 4E and discuss this in the main text:

“Having a closer look at cluster 7, it was split into a bigger (7) and a smaller cluster (24) using exon+intron counting (Figure 4A-C), we find one marker gene (Il1rapl2) to be DE between the subclusters using Exon+Intron counting, while Il1rapl2 had only spurious counts using Exon counts. Il1rapl2 is a marker for transcriptomic subtypes of GABAergic Pvalb-type Neurons, suggesting that the split of cluster 7 might be biological meaningful (Figure 4E).”

Reviewer #2: Review of "zUMIs - A fast and flexible pipeline to process RNA sequencing data with UMIs"

Summary: Parekh et al. describe a computational pipeline to preprocess single-cell RNA-seq data that contains UMIs and cell barcodes. The main components of the pipeline include sequence quality filtering of UMIs and barcodes, a wrapper to call the mapping software STAR, selection of cell barcodes, and downsampling of reads to lower library size. While other tools exist that perform all of these steps either all together or individually for one or more platforms, the novelty of zUMIs is that it performs all of these steps at once for data from any UMI platform. Such a tool would likely be useful for the single-cell community, however many methodological details are missing. In addition the manuscript could benefit from additional comparison to existing tools.

The authors also argue that in general quantification of gene expression should incorporate intron-mapping reads, a task which is enabled by the use of their software. However, I have reservations about the evidence upon which this conclusion is based.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: We want to clarify that we do not wish to claim that counting introns is a good idea in general. However, we argue that for extremely sparse datasets such as generated by single nuclei sequencing, having Intron counts is better than losing even more genes. We hope that we could make this clearer in the text, as such:

“Furthermore, we think that although noisy, the large number of additionally detected genes makes Exon+Intron counting worthwhile for extremely sparse data.”

I have identified several issues that the authors should address in order to improve the manuscript, which are detailed below and divided into major (of critical importance) and minor (to improve clarity) categories.

Major Comments: 1. Methodological details are missing throughout. The method should be described more completely and clearly, and any analyses or comparisons should be made reproducible. For example: * What differential expression method was used in the simulation study to compare UMItools and zUMI? * What options were used with powsimR in the simulation study? * How is the k-dimensional multivariate normal distribution fit in the cell barcode selection step? * How is k determined in the cell barcode selection step? * How was data simulated for the Intron evaluation? * What options were used in applying the Seurat pipeline to cluster cells?

AUTHOR RESPONSE: We added a methods section (Page:3-4) that includes subsections for (1) data generation of the HEK dataset as well as data processing of other used datasets, (2) the powsimR simulations and (3) the use of the Seurat pipeline. The passage about the Cell-Barcode selection was changed in the main text (Page:2). We hope to have made our barcode selection clearer in the main text.

“To this end, we fit a k-dimensional multivariate normal distribution using the R-package mclust [25, 26] for the number of reads/BC, where k is empirically determined by mclust via the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). We reason that only the kth normal distribution with the largest mean contains barcodes that identify reads originating from intact cells.”

  1. One major conclusion of the paper is that incorporation of intron-mapping reads significantly improves cluster resolution. It is perhaps not surprising that including the Intron counts results in a higher mean number of genes detected, but the authors conclude that since more clusters are also found that this means the additional reads are biologically meaningful. Unfortunately, the authors have not provided any evidence that this is the case. The fact that more clusters are seen says nothing about the difference between technical and biological sources of variation. If these additional clusters also corresponded to some independently measured biological covariate, the argument would have basis.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: While we do not wish to claim that counting of intron-mapping reads is recommended in all cases of scRNA-seq, we do think it is valid and helpful for extremely sparse datasets such as the DroNc-seq data from Habib et al. (2017). We now provide detailed analyses of differences between newly formed subclusters using Exon+Intron counting. We find not only more genes, but also more significantly differentially expressed genes between subclusters when using Exon+Intron UMI data (Figure 4D). Furthermore, log2 fold changes (LFC) for the groups that were split up more when using Exon+Intron counting corresponded well to the Exon-only LFC (see the new Figure 4F). Additionally, we illustrate the biological relevance of subclusters found with Exon+Intron data by the example of the transcriptomic subtypes of GABAergic Pvalb-type Neurons marked by Il1rapl2 expression. We have added this evidence to the ‘Intron Counting’ section and included methodological details in the appropriate Methods sections. Lastly, we have excluded the possibility of Intron-mapping reads being spurious by sampling fake intronic reads and attempting cluster identification (see response to Reviewer 1, point 3).

  1. Many central conclusions of the article were made based on an analysis of a dataset of 96 cells that is never described. It is referred to as "the HEK dataset" throughout the manuscript, but no citation, details of data generation, or description of the experimental design is given.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: We added this information to the new Method section (Page:3-4).

  1. Several open-source tools exist that perform many of the steps in the zUMI pipeline [1, 2, 3]. It would be nice to see how these perform in comparison to zUMI.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: While several tools exist that can perform some of the steps of the zUMIs pipeline, none of them provides a comprehensive combination as zUMIs. We have added a Table to compare available features of six other pipelines geared towards scRNA-seq data with UMIs. The tool “UMI-Reducer” with reference [2] suggested by the reviewer was omitted because it seemed like a tool geared towards one specific application outside of single-cell RNA-seq. Furthermore, “UMI-Reducer” only de-duplicates UMIs with the same mapping position, which would be inappropriate for scRNA-seq protocols that fragment after preamplification, such as SCRB-seq. Furthermore, we added a comparison of the count-tables produced by zUMIs, Drop-seq-tools and UMI-tools and generally find very good correspondence (see response to Reviewer 1).

  1. The conclusion that a UMI distance filter (using UMI-tools) is unnecessary is only based on a single simulated dataset of up to 90 cells per condition. It is also based on a single metric (power to identify differentially expressed genes in simulated data). If we are only interested in differential expression analyses, this might be a reasonable metric. However to be widely applicable to the analysis of single cell RNA-seq, the authors should consider additional metrics such as replicate reproducibility, number of detected genes, etc. The authors should also consider additional datasets.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: We substantially extended our comparison of different UMI-collapsing method. In Fig. 2 B,C, we also compare the correlation of gene expression values and numbers of detected UMIs per cell between various different filtering methods and find that there is generally a high consensus among all UMI collapsing methods in our HEK example dataset. An analysis of the DroNc-seq data gave basically the same results (see plot in attached “Additional File 1”). Furthermore, we added the possibility to collapse UMIs with a specified Hamming-distance to zUMIs, giving users more choice over UMI filtering. All these new analysis are also described in the section “Transcript Counting” of the main text.

  1. It is not clear how the simulation parameters in the comparison to UMI-tools directly relate to the UMI quantification. Specifically, estimating the mean and dispersion of the processed data and then using these as the basis for a simulated dataset seems pretty far removed from the observed UMI counts. The authors should also investigate differences in differential expression analysis of the actual data (not simulated data). They could also generate a simulated null comparison by randomly permuting sample labels. The same comments hold for the second simulation (evaluating Intron count inclusion).

AUTHOR RESPONSE: We removed the simulations from the description of UMI-collapsing methods and focus our reporting on the descriptive statistics suggested by the reviewer (Figure 2 & section “Transcript counting”).

Minor Comments: 1. The results of the simulation evaluating Intron usage are summarized broadly in the text, but the specific results are not shown. For example what does "power to detect differentially expressed genes was similar for the Exon and Exon+Intron counts" mean? How similar? What were the values?

AUTHOR RESPONSE: This is now better described in the main text (Page 3 Passage:Intron Counting) along with specific settings for the powsimR package listed in the method section. Additionally, power simulation results are shown in Figure 4 with the true positive rate (TPR) and false discovery rate (FDR) shown for 5 stratas of gene expression (Figure 4G). Furthermore, we display the number of genes per stratum for Exon and Exon+Intron counting (Figure 4H).

  1. The pipeline requires the user to specify many parameters for each step, however the implementation is run with one command. This means that if a user wants to change a single parameter in one of the later steps, they would still have to rerun the entire pipeline, wasting time and computational resources. It would be useful if the pipeline could alternatively be run as a series of individual steps so that the same exact steps don't need to be carried out multiple times in these situations.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: This feature is implemented as “-w” option. One can invoke zUMIs at any step, eg to just re-run the counting of gene expression the user can give “-w counting”.

  1. In the cell barcode selection step, the authors state that they remove "all barcodes that fall in the lower 1% tail of this distribution." What is the justification for this? What does this correspond to in practice? This threshold should also be denoted in Figure 3A.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: The blue line in figure 3A corresponds to the calculated read cut-off. The normal distribution identified by mclust with the highest mean number of reads contains actual cell barcodes. Thus, setting the read cut-off to the lower 1% of this distribution is an empirical value that gives good correspondence to the known cell-barcodes for the HEK dataset (cut-off value: 52634 reads/barcode) and gave similarly good results for the DroNc-seq data analysed here. Still, in practice we recommend to always look at the elbow-plots output by zUMIs (Figure 3B). This will show whether our empirical cut-off was also valid for the dataset at hand.

  1. What are the practical guidelines for downsampling? How should it be used in practice to normalize for sequencing depth?

AUTHOR RESPONSE: We found the downsampling function extremely useful for method comparisons as we showed in our previous study (Ziegenhain et al. 2017). This also allows to evaluate whether the single cell libraries were sequenced to saturation (Figure 3D). For normalization purposes, the built-in MAD cut-offs as indicated by the dashed red lines in Figure 3C should be sufficient.

  1. In the documentation online, section on cell barcode selection (here:, Figure A is contradictory to Figure 3A in the manuscript. Specifically, the online documentation says "cells left to the blue line are selected" and the manuscript says "cell barcodes with reads above the blue line are selected."

AUTHOR RESPONSE: This was indeed a mistake and we corrected it on GitHub.

  1. As a main advantage of zUMIs is the ability to apply on any UMI platform, the documentation should clearly state how to use the software in each case. Currently, this is unclear, as for example in the case of the "-c" option the wiki on GitHub ( states that "For STRT-seq/InDrops give this as 1-n where n is your first cell barcode(-f) length." But it also states in the very next line "For InDrops give this as 1-n where n is the total length of cell barcode(e.g. 1-22)," which is contradictory to what the previous line states about InDrops.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: This was indeed a mistake and we corrected it on GitHub.

References: [1] Luyi Tian, Shian Su, Daniela Amann-Zalcenstein, Christine Biben, Shalin H. Naik, Matthew E. Ritchie. scPipe: a flexible data preprocessing pipeline for single-cell RNA-sequencing data. bioRxiv 175927; doi:

[2] Serghei Mangul, Sarah Van Driesche, Lana S. Martin, Kelsey C. Martin, Eleazar Eskin. UMI-Reducer: Collapsing duplicate sequencing reads via Unique Molecular Identifiers. bioRxiv 103267; doi:

[3] Viktor Petukhov, Jimin Guo, Ninib Baryawno, Nicolas Severe, David Scadden, Maria G. Samsonova, Peter V. Kharchenko. Accurate estimation of molecular counts in droplet-based single-cell RNA-seq experiments. bioRxiv 171496; doi:


    © 2017 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).

Content of review 2, reviewed on March 26, 2018

Review of Revised version R1 of "zUMIs - A fast and flexible pipeline to process RNA sequencing data with UMIs"

Parekh et al. have partially addressed my concerns, however there remain unresolved issues that have critical importance to the conclusions of the manuscript. In particular, although the authors have included a Methods section with the revision, some methodological details for reproducibility are still missing. In addition, although the authors have compared one aspect of the pipeline to existing tools, other steps of the pipeline that are also carried out by other tools are not compared. Finally, the biological relevance of the differences in clustering with and without introns is still not convincingly demonstrated. These remaining concerns are detailed below (new responses marked by ***).

AUTHOR RESPONSE: We want to clarify that we do not wish to claim that counting introns is a good idea in general. However, we argue that for extremely sparse datasets such as generated by single nuclei sequencing, having Intron counts is better than losing even more genes. We hope that we could make this clearer in the text, as such:

"Furthermore, we think that although noisy, the large number of additionally detected genes makes Exon+Intron counting worthwhile for extremely sparse data."

REVIEWER RESPONSE: Thank you for the clarification. However, this recommendation remains vague. It would be useful to define what is meant by "extremely sparse data". It may not be clear to the single-cell community, since all single-cell data is quite sparse by nature. But it seems this recommendation is focused on a particular subset of protocols (DroNc-seq)? Please clarify.

I have identified several issues that the authors should address in order to improve the manuscript, which are detailed below and divided into major (of critical importance) and minor (to improve clarity) categories.

Major Comments: 1. Methodological details are missing throughout. The method should be described more completely and clearly, and any analyses or comparisons should be made reproducible. For example: * What differential expression method was used in the simulation study to compare UMItools and zUMI? * What options were used with powsimR in the simulation study? * How is the k-dimensional multivariate normal distribution fit in the cell barcode selection step? * How is k determined in the cell barcode selection step? * How was data simulated for the Intron evaluation? * What options were used in applying the Seurat pipeline to cluster cells?

AUTHOR RESPONSE: We added a methods section (Page:3-4) that includes subsections for (1) data generation of the HEK dataset as well as data processing of other used datasets, (2) the powsimR simulations and (3) the use of the Seurat pipeline. The passage about the Cell-Barcode selection was changed in the main text (Page:2). We hope to have made our barcode selection clearer in the main text.

"To this end, we fit a k-dimensional multivariate normal distribution using the R-package mclust [25, 26] for the number of reads/BC, where k is empirically determined by mclust via the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). We reason that only the kth normal distribution with the largest mean contains barcodes that identify reads originating from intact cells."

REVIEWER RESPONSE: The authors added a Methods section. Most of the details seem to have been added, but there are still some details that I have questions about. For example, how was the Intron-sampling experiment carried out (Figure 1 in Additional File 1)? What is meant by "sufficiently many cells for DE analysis" (page 3)?

  1. One major conclusion of the paper is that incorporation of intron-mapping reads significantly improves cluster resolution. It is perhaps not surprising that including the Intron counts results in a higher mean number of genes detected, but the authors conclude that since more clusters are also found that this means the additional reads are biologically meaningful. Unfortunately, the authors have not provided any evidence that this is the case. The fact that more clusters are seen says nothing about the difference between technical and biological sources of variation. If these additional clusters also corresponded to some independently measured biological covariate, the argument would have basis.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: While we do not wish to claim that counting of intron-mapping reads is recommended in all cases of scRNA-seq, we do think it is valid and helpful for extremely sparse datasets such as the DroNc-seq data from Habib et al. (2017). We now provide detailed analyses of differences between newly formed subclusters using Exon+Intron counting. We find not only more genes, but also more significantly differentially expressed genes between subclusters when using Exon+Intron UMI data (Figure 4D). Furthermore, log2 fold changes (LFC) for the groups that were split up more when using Exon+Intron counting corresponded well to the Exon-only LFC (see the new Figure 4F). Additionally, we illustrate the biological relevance of subclusters found with Exon+Intron data by the example of the transcriptomic subtypes of GABAergic Pvalb-type Neurons marked by Il1rapl2 expression. We have added this evidence to the 'Intron Counting' section and included methodological details in the appropriate Methods sections. Lastly, we have excluded the possibility of Intron-mapping reads being spurious by sampling fake intronic reads and attempting cluster identification (see response to Reviewer 1, point 3).

REVIEWER RESPONSE: The authors have not fully addressed the concern of biologically meaningful clustering results. They highlight the example of a single gene, which is not convincing that the results are systematically meaningful. In main text they state that 5% of the additional genes found are marker genes, but no baseline is given to be able to judge if that is a significant result. What percentage of genes overall are marker genes? What percentage of DE genes by exon only are marker genes?

Furthermore while they have shown that there are more DE genes between sub-clusters with introns included (again this is not surprising since more genes are detected), this result could be influenced to a degree by the use of a model (limma-trend) that is not appropriate for sparse RNA-seq data (see also response to Major comment 6).

In addition, it seems that the figures or additional results presented in the Additional File (including the "sampling fake intronic reads") are never mentioned in the manuscript. To me, the sampling fake intronic reads analysis could be a valuable addition to supporting the conclusion that utilizing the intronic reads gives biologically meaningful clustering results (as long as the details of this simulation are realistic, but these details are currently not provided).

As an additional note, it is not clear what color represents in newly added Figures 4D, G, and H and this is not defined in the legend. It is also not clear what color represents in Figure 4A and B - some colors seem to map to the legend of 4C, but not all of them.

  1. Many central conclusions of the article were made based on an analysis of a dataset of 96 cells that is never described. It is referred to as "the HEK dataset" throughout the manuscript, but no citation, details of data generation, or description of the experimental design is given.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: We added this information to the new Method section (Page:3-4).

REVIEWER RESPONSE The authors have addressed this concern.

  1. Several open-source tools exist that perform many of the steps in the zUMI pipeline [1, 2, 3]. It would be nice to see how these perform in comparison to zUMI.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: While several tools exist that can perform some of the steps of the zUMIs pipeline, none of them provides a comprehensive combination as zUMIs. We have added a Table to compare available features of six other pipelines geared towards scRNA-seq data with UMIs. The tool "UMI-Reducer" with reference [2] suggested by the reviewer was omitted because it seemed like a tool geared towards one specific application outside of single-cell RNA-seq. Furthermore, "UMI-Reducer" only de-duplicates UMIs with the same mapping position, which would be inappropriate for scRNA-seq protocols that fragment after preamplification, such as SCRB-seq. Furthermore, we added a comparison of the count-tables produced by zUMIs, Drop-seq-tools and UMI-tools and generally find very good correspondence (see response to Reviewer 1).

REVIEWER RESPONSE The authors have included a comparison to two other tools for the UMI-collapsing strategy. However, these other tools are not included in any other aspect. For example, how do other methods perform in cell barcode selection (Page 2)? How do other methods perform in running time (Figure 3E)?

  1. The conclusion that a UMI distance filter (using UMI-tools) is unnecessary is only based on a single simulated dataset of up to 90 cells per condition. It is also based on a single metric (power to identify differentially expressed genes in simulated data). If we are only interested in differential expression analyses, this might be a reasonable metric. However to be widely applicable to the analysis of single cell RNA-seq, the authors should consider additional metrics such as replicate reproducibility, number of detected genes, etc. The authors should also consider additional datasets.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: We substantially extended our comparison of different UMI-collapsing method. In Fig. 2 B,C, we also compare the correlation of gene expression values and numbers of detected UMIs per cell between various different filtering methods and find that there is generally a high consensus among all UMI collapsing methods in our HEK example dataset. An analysis of the DroNc-seq data gave basically the same results (see plot in attached "Additional File 1"). Furthermore, we added the possibility to collapse UMIs with a specified Hamming-distance to zUMIs, giving users more choice over UMI filtering. All these new analysis are also described in the section "Transcript Counting" of the main text.

REVIEWER RESPONSE The authors have addressed this concern.

  1. It is not clear how the simulation parameters in the comparison to UMI-tools directly relate to the UMI quantification. Specifically, estimating the mean and dispersion of the processed data and then using these as the basis for a simulated dataset seems pretty far removed from the observed UMI counts. The authors should also investigate differences in differential expression analysis of the actual data (not simulated data). They could also generate a simulated null comparison by randomly permuting sample labels. The same comments hold for the second simulation (evaluating Intron count inclusion).

AUTHOR RESPONSE: We removed the simulations from the description of UMI-collapsing methods and focus our reporting on the descriptive statistics suggested by the reviewer (Figure 2 & section "Transcript counting").

REVIEWER RESPONSE The authors have removed one of the simulations from the manuscript, but the second simulation remains. Unfortunately, I still have concerns regarding the intron count inclusion simulation. In particular, now that the authors have added methodological details, they have used a differential expression method that was developed for bulk RNA-seq and is not appropriate for sparse single-cell RNA-seq data. It could be that the differential expression results are due to a poorly fitting model with more sparse exon-only data. The authors should use a method appropriate for sparse single-cell RNA-seq data, such as MAST (Finak et al. 2015, Genome Biology) or zingeR (Van den Berge et al. 2018, Genome Biology).

Minor Comments: 1. The results of the simulation evaluating Intron usage are summarized broadly in the text, but the specific results are not shown. For example what does "power to detect differentially expressed genes was similar for the Exon and Exon+Intron counts" mean? How similar? What were the values?

AUTHOR RESPONSE: This is now better described in the main text (Page 3 Passage:Intron Counting) along with specific settings for the powsimR package listed in the method section. Additionally, power simulation results are shown in Figure 4 with the true positive rate (TPR) and false discovery rate (FDR) shown for 5 stratas of gene expression (Figure 4G). Furthermore, we display the number of genes per stratum for Exon and Exon+Intron counting (Figure 4H).

REVIEWER RESPONSE The authors have added simulation results and addressed this concern.

  1. The pipeline requires the user to specify many parameters for each step, however the implementation is run with one command. This means that if a user wants to change a single parameter in one of the later steps, they would still have to rerun the entire pipeline, wasting time and computational resources. It would be useful if the pipeline could alternatively be run as a series of individual steps so that the same exact steps don't need to be carried out multiple times in these situations.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: This feature is implemented as "-w" option. One can invoke zUMIs at any step, eg to just re-run the counting of gene expression the user can give "-w counting".

REVIEWER RESPONSE The authors have addressed this concern.

  1. In the cell barcode selection step, the authors state that they remove "all barcodes that fall in the lower 1% tail of this distribution." What is the justification for this? What does this correspond to in practice? This threshold should also be denoted in Figure 3A.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: The blue line in figure 3A corresponds to the calculated read cut-off. The normal distribution identified by mclust with the highest mean number of reads contains actual cell barcodes. Thus, setting the read cut-off to the lower 1% of this distribution is an empirical value that gives good correspondence to the known cell-barcodes for the HEK dataset (cut-off value: 52634 reads/barcode) and gave similarly good results for the DroNc-seq data analysed here. Still, in practice we recommend to always look at the elbow-plots output by zUMIs (Figure 3B). This will show whether our empirical cut-off was also valid for the dataset at hand.

REVIEWER RESPONSE It would be useful to state your recommendation in the manuscript "to always look at the elbow-plots output by zUMIs (Figure 3B)" when setting the cut-off so that readers can benefit from this advice.

  1. What are the practical guidelines for downsampling? How should it be used in practice to normalize for sequencing depth?

AUTHOR RESPONSE: We found the downsampling function extremely useful for method comparisons as we showed in our previous study (Ziegenhain et al. 2017). This also allows to evaluate whether the single cell libraries were sequenced to saturation (Figure 3D). For normalization purposes, the built-in MAD cut-offs as indicated by the dashed red lines in Figure 3C should be sufficient.

REVIEWER RESPONSE The authors have addressed this concern.

  1. In the documentation online, section on cell barcode selection (here:, Figure A is contradictory to Figure 3A in the manuscript. Specifically, the online documentation says "cells left to the blue line are selected" and the manuscript says "cell barcodes with reads above the blue line are selected."

AUTHOR RESPONSE: This was indeed a mistake and we corrected it on GitHub.

REVIEWER RESPONSE The authors have addressed this concern.

  1. As a main advantage of zUMIs is the ability to apply on any UMI platform, the documentation should clearly state how to use the software in each case. Currently, this is unclear, as for example in the case of the "-c" option the wiki on GitHub ( states that "For STRT-seq/InDrops give this as 1-n where n is your first cell barcode(-f) length." But it also states in the very next line "For InDrops give this as 1-n where n is the total length of cell barcode(e.g. 1-22)," which is contradictory to what the previous line states about InDrops.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: This was indeed a mistake and we corrected it on GitHub.

REVIEWER RESPONSE The authors have addressed this concern.

References: [1] Luyi Tian, Shian Su, Daniela Amann-Zalcenstein, Christine Biben, Shalin H. Naik, Matthew E. Ritchie. scPipe: a flexible data preprocessing pipeline for single-cell RNA-sequencing data. bioRxiv 175927; doi:

[2] Serghei Mangul, Sarah Van Driesche, Lana S. Martin, Kelsey C. Martin, Eleazar Eskin. UMI-Reducer: Collapsing duplicate sequencing reads via Unique Molecular Identifiers. bioRxiv 103267; doi:

[3] Viktor Petukhov, Jimin Guo, Ninib Baryawno, Nicolas Severe, David Scadden, Maria G. Samsonova, Peter V. Kharchenko. Accurate estimation of molecular counts in droplet-based single-cell RNA-seq experiments. bioRxiv 171496; doi:

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Authors' response to reviews: Reviewer #2: Review of Revised version R1 of "zUMIs - A fast and flexible pipeline to process RNA sequencing data with UMIs"

Parekh et al. have partially addressed my concerns, however there remain unresolved issues that have critical importance to the conclusions of the manuscript. In particular, although the authors have included a Methods section with the revision, some methodological details for reproducibility are still missing. In addition, although the authors have compared one aspect of the pipeline to existing tools, other steps of the pipeline that are also carried out by other tools are not compared. Finally, the biological relevance of the differences in clustering with and without introns is still not convincingly demonstrated. These remaining concerns are detailed below (new responses marked by ***).

AUTHOR RESPONSE: We want to clarify that we do not wish to claim that counting introns is a good idea in general. However, we argue that for extremely sparse datasets such as generated by single nuclei sequencing, having Intron counts is better than losing even more genes. We hope that we could make this clearer in the text, as such:

"Furthermore, we think that although noisy, the large number of additionally detected genes makes Exon+Intron counting worthwhile for extremely sparse data."

REVIEWER RESPONSE: Thank you for the clarification. However, this recommendation remains vague. It would be useful to define what is meant by "extremely sparse data". It may not be clear to the single-cell community, since all single-cell data is quite sparse by nature. But it seems this recommendation is focused on a particular subset of protocols (DroNc-seq)? Please clarify.

AUTHOR RESPONSE 2: We have revised this text passage to be more specific, so readers know when to consider Exon+Intron counting. Our recommendation is now differentiated between nucleus sequencing that is enriched in intronic sequences because of nascent mRNA molecules and low coverage sparse data generated in high throughput applications.

“Furthermore, we think that, although potentially noisy, the large number of additionally detected genes makes Exon+Intron counting worthwhile, especially for single- nuclei sequencing techniques that are enriched for nuclear nascent RNA transcripts, such as DroNc-seq [12]. Additionally, Exon+Intron counting may help extracting as much information as possible from low coverage data as generated in the context of high-throughput cell atlas efforts (eg 10,000- 20,000 reads/cell [37, 38]. Lastly, users should always exclude the possibility of intronic reads stemming from genomic DNA contamination in the library preparation by confirming low intergenic mapping fractions using the statistics output provided by zUMIs.”

I have identified several issues that the authors should address in order to improve the manuscript, which are detailed below and divided into major (of critical importance) and minor (to improve clarity) categories.

Major Comments: 1. Methodological details are missing throughout. The method should be described more completely and clearly, and any analyses or comparisons should be made reproducible. For example: * What differential expression method was used in the simulation study to compare UMItools and zUMI? * What options were used with powsimR in the simulation study? * How is the k-dimensional multivariate normal distribution fit in the cell barcode selection step? * How is k determined in the cell barcode selection step? * How was data simulated for the Intron evaluation? * What options were used in applying the Seurat pipeline to cluster cells?

AUTHOR RESPONSE: We added a methods section (Page:3-4) that includes subsections for (1) data generation of the HEK dataset as well as data processing of other used datasets, (2) the powsimR simulations and (3) the use of the Seurat pipeline. The passage about the Cell-Barcode selection was changed in the main text (Page:2). We hope to have made our barcode selection clearer in the main text.

"To this end, we fit a k-dimensional multivariate normal distribution using the R-package mclust [25, 26] for the number of reads/BC, where k is empirically determined by mclust via the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). We reason that only the kth normal distribution with the largest mean contains barcodes that identify reads originating from intact cells."

REVIEWER RESPONSE: The authors added a Methods section. Most of the details seem to have been added, but there are still some details that I have questions about. For example, how was the Intron-sampling experiment carried out (Figure 1 in Additional File 1)? What is meant by "sufficiently many cells for DE analysis" (page 3)?

AUTHOR RESPONSE 2: We now added a description of the Intron-Sampling to Clustering part of the Methods section. Sorry, for the confusion about the statement “sufficiently many cells …” - In this analysis we included all genes that were detected, i.e. had at least one read mapped. We changed this sentence. “For a fair comparison, we include all detected genes”.

  1. One major conclusion of the paper is that incorporation of intron-mapping reads significantly improves cluster resolution. It is perhaps not surprising that including the Intron counts results in a higher mean number of genes detected, but the authors conclude that since more clusters are also found that this means the additional reads are biologically meaningful. Unfortunately, the authors have not provided any evidence that this is the case. The fact that more clusters are seen says nothing about the difference between technical and biological sources of variation. If these additional clusters also corresponded to some independently measured biological covariate, the argument would have basis.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: While we do not wish to claim that counting of intron-mapping reads is recommended in all cases of scRNA-seq, we do think it is valid and helpful for extremely sparse datasets such as the DroNc-seq data from Habib et al. (2017). We now provide detailed analyses of differences between newly formed subclusters using Exon+Intron counting. We find not only more genes, but also more significantly differentially expressed genes between subclusters when using Exon+Intron UMI data (Figure 4D). Furthermore, log2 fold changes (LFC) for the groups that were split up more when using Exon+Intron counting corresponded well to the Exon-only LFC (see the new Figure 4F). Additionally, we illustrate the biological relevance of subclusters found with Exon+Intron data by the example of the transcriptomic subtypes of GABAergic Pvalb-type Neurons marked by Il1rapl2 expression. We have added this evidence to the 'Intron Counting' section and included methodological details in the appropriate Methods sections. Lastly, we have excluded the possibility of Intron-mapping reads being spurious by sampling fake intronic reads and attempting cluster identification (see response to Reviewer 1, point 3).

REVIEWER RESPONSE: The authors have not fully addressed the concern of biologically meaningful clustering results. They highlight the example of a single gene, which is not convincing that the results are systematically meaningful. In main text they state that 5% of the additional genes found are marker genes, but no baseline is given to be able to judge if that is a significant result. What percentage of genes overall are marker genes? What percentage of DE genes by exon only are marker genes?

Furthermore while they have shown that there are more DE genes between sub-clusters with introns included (again this is not surprising since more genes are detected), this result could be influenced to a degree by the use of a model (limma-trend) that is not appropriate for sparse RNA-seq data (see also response to Major comment 6).

In addition, it seems that the figures or additional results presented in the Additional File (including the "sampling fake intronic reads") are never mentioned in the manuscript. To me, the sampling fake intronic reads analysis could be a valuable addition to supporting the conclusion that utilizing the intronic reads gives biologically meaningful clustering results (as long as the details of this simulation are realistic, but these details are currently not provided).

As an additional note, it is not clear what color represents in newly added Figures 4D, G, and H and this is not defined in the legend. It is also not clear what color represents in Figure 4A and B - some colors seem to map to the legend of 4C, but not all of them.

AUTHOR RESPONSE 2: We extended the section where we cite a number of papers that utilize intron counts in the analysis of single cell RNA-seq and in particular single nuclei sequencing data. What information can be gained from intron counting is indeed a hot topic in the single cell community and even though we believe to contribute some evidence to support the notion that intron counts add biologically meaningful information, our paper is hardly the place where this issue can be fully resolved. However, the intron counting utility of zUMIs will facilitate research in this area and thus ultimately help other researchers to address this question.

Concerning the additionally detected marker genes: We do not expect any enrichment of marker genes when we use Exon+Intron counting and the 5% additional markers are roughly the level expected: 4 % of all detected Exon+Intron genes are also marker genes. However, detecting more of them gives us a better chance to later classify the cells. We also agree that it is not surprising that we find more DE genes if we detect more genes overall. Including introns simply allows us to better detect present transcripts. On the contrary, we would be reluctant to recommend the inclusion of Introns if they would lead to a major shift in the expression profiles, i.e. many more DE- or marker genes than expected.

We now added the fake intron analysis to Figure 4 and also extended the methods section for Cluster Identification to describe our sampling:

“To illustrate that the additional clusters found by counting Exon+Intron reads are not spurious, we use Intron-only UMI-counts from the same data to add to the observed Exon only counts. More specifically, to each gene we add scran-sizeFactor corrected Intron counts from the same gene after permuting them across cells. We assessed the cluster numbers from 100 such permutations.”

We now explain the color schemes of Figure 4 A,B &E in the figure legend and added a color legend for D,H &I (formerly D,G & H). “Different shades of those clusters indicate that multiple clusters had the same major cell-type assigned.”

  1. Several open-source tools exist that perform many of the steps in the zUMI pipeline [1, 2, 3]. It would be nice to see how these perform in comparison to zUMI.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: While several tools exist that can perform some of the steps of the zUMIs pipeline, none of them provides a comprehensive combination as zUMIs. We have added a Table to compare available features of six other pipelines geared towards scRNA-seq data with UMIs. The tool "UMI-Reducer" with reference [2] suggested by the reviewer was omitted because it seemed like a tool geared towards one specific application outside of single-cell RNA-seq. Furthermore, "UMI-Reducer" only de-duplicates UMIs with the same mapping position, which would be inappropriate for scRNA-seq protocols that fragment after preamplification, such as SCRB-seq. Furthermore, we added a comparison of the count-tables produced by zUMIs, Drop-seq-tools and UMI-tools and generally find very good correspondence (see response to Reviewer 1).

REVIEWER RESPONSE The authors have included a comparison to two other tools for the UMI-collapsing strategy. However, these other tools are not included in any other aspect. For example, how do other methods perform in cell barcode selection (Page 2)? How do other methods perform in running time (Figure 3E)?

AUTHOR RESPONSE 2: The purpose of Figure 2 was never a comprehensive comparison of all UMI-collapsing tools, but it should merely provide perspective on the possible choices of UMI collapsing within zUMIs so that the user can make an informed choice given the run time and the added information.

A systematic comparison of runtimes among pipelines is beyond the scope of this Technical Note. More specifically, the input data vary widely and we would be hard pressed to find data-sets that can be fed into each of the pipelines, thus making it virtually impossible to provide a fair overall run-time comparison.

In fact zUMIs is the only tool that can handle data from all major UMI-based scRNA-seq library protocols (Table 1). Besides, we found that no other pipeline had the combination of processing featured that we found to be useful. This said, the main advantage of zUMIs is its unique combination of features and not the performance details of the separate steps. That’s why we feel that the comparison of features of 7 UMI pipelines that we provide in Table 1 is an adequate ‘performance’ evaluation. Table 1 now also includes a column detailing the various Barcode selection options.

  1. It is not clear how the simulation parameters in the comparison to UMI-tools directly relate to the UMI quantification. Specifically, estimating the mean and dispersion of the processed data and then using these as the basis for a simulated dataset seems pretty far removed from the observed UMI counts. The authors should also investigate differences in differential expression analysis of the actual data (not simulated data). They could also generate a simulated null comparison by randomly permuting sample labels. The same comments hold for the second simulation (evaluating Intron count inclusion).

AUTHOR RESPONSE: We removed the simulations from the description of UMI-collapsing methods and focus our reporting on the descriptive statistics suggested by the reviewer (Figure 2 & section "Transcript counting").

REVIEWER RESPONSE The authors have removed one of the simulations from the manuscript, but the second simulation remains. Unfortunately, I still have concerns regarding the intron count inclusion simulation. In particular, now that the authors have added methodological details, they have used a differential expression method that was developed for bulk RNA-seq and is not appropriate for sparse single-cell RNA-seq data. It could be that the differential expression results are due to a poorly fitting model with more sparse exon-only data. The authors should use a method appropriate for sparse single-cell RNA-seq data, such as MAST (Finak et al. 2015, Genome Biology) or zingeR (Van den Berge et al. 2018, Genome Biology).

--- AUTHOR RESPONSE 2: It is correct that limma-trend is a method developed for bulk RNA-seq. However, if applied correctly, bulk methods are also suitable for single cell data (Dal Molin, Baruzzo, and Di Camillo 2017). A recent, thorough comparison by Soneson & Robinson (Soneson and Robinson 2018) has shown that limma-trend is one of the best available methods for single-cell differential expression analysis. It outperformed many specialised single cell methods. Most notably, limma-trend was one of the most consistent DE tools across a wide range of data sets (see figure 5 of Soneson & Robinson). TPR and FDR were comparable to MAST (see figure 4), while limma-trend has a vastly superior runtime. Furthermore, many of the problems due to the sparsity of single cell data are introduced during normalization and we applied a normalisation method specifically developed for sparse gene expression data (scran) (Vallejos et al. 2017).

References: Dal Molin, Alessandra, Giacomo Baruzzo, and Barbara Di Camillo. 2017. “Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing: Assessment of Differential Expression Analysis Methods.” Frontiers in Genetics 8 (May): 62. Soneson, Charlotte, and Mark D. Robinson. 2018. “Bias, Robustness and Scalability in Single-Cell Differential Expression Analysis.” Nature Methods 15 (4): 255–61. Vallejos, Catalina A., Davide Risso, Antonio Scialdone, Sandrine Dudoit, and John C. Marioni. 2017. “Normalizing Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Data: Challenges and Opportunities.” Nature Methods, May.

  1. In the cell barcode selection step, the authors state that they remove "all barcodes that fall in the lower 1% tail of this distribution." What is the justification for this? What does this correspond to in practice? This threshold should also be denoted in Figure 3A.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: The blue line in figure 3A corresponds to the calculated read cut-off. The normal distribution identified by mclust with the highest mean number of reads contains actual cell barcodes. Thus, setting the read cut-off to the lower 1% of this distribution is an empirical value that gives good correspondence to the known cell-barcodes for the HEK dataset (cut-off value: 52634 reads/barcode) and gave similarly good results for the DroNc-seq data analysed here. Still, in practice we recommend to always look at the elbow-plots output by zUMIs (Figure 3B). This will show whether our empirical cut-off was also valid for the dataset at hand.

REVIEWER RESPONSE It would be useful to state your recommendation in the manuscript "to always look at the elbow-plots output by zUMIs (Figure 3B)" when setting the cut-off so that readers can benefit from this advice.

AUTHOR RESPONSE 2: We have added this in the main text (page 2 section: Cell Barcode Selection).


    © 2018 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).

Content of review 3, reviewed on April 19, 2018

Review of Revised version R2 of "zUMIs - A fast and flexible pipeline to process RNA sequencing data with UMIs"

Parekh et al. have adequately addressed all concerns except the following minor clarifications detailed below: issue number 1 regarding methodological details and issue number 2 regarding the increase of cluster resolution and biological information (concerns that have been adequately addressed are omitted below).

  1. Methodological details are missing throughout. The method should be described more completely and clearly, and any analyses or comparisons should be made reproducible. For example:
  2. What differential expression method was used in the simulation study to compare UMItools and zUMI?
  3. What options were used with powsimR in the simulation study?
  4. How is the k-dimensional multivariate normal distribution fit in the cell barcode selection step?
  5. How is k determined in the cell barcode selection step?
  6. How was data simulated for the Intron evaluation?
  7. What options were used in applying the Seurat pipeline to cluster cells?

AUTHOR RESPONSE: We added a methods section (Page:3-4) that includes subsections for (1) data generation of the HEK dataset as well as data processing of other used datasets, (2) the powsimR simulations and (3) the use of the Seurat pipeline. The passage about the Cell-Barcode selection was changed in the main text (Page:2). We hope to have made our barcode selection clearer in the main text.

"To this end, we fit a k-dimensional multivariate normal distribution using the R-package mclust [25, 26] for the number of reads/BC, where k is empirically determined by mclust via the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). We reason that only the kth normal distribution with the largest mean contains barcodes that identify reads originating from intact cells."

REVIEWER RESPONSE: The authors added a Methods section. Most of the details seem to have been added, but there are still some details that I have questions about. For example, how was the Intron-sampling experiment carried out (Figure 1 in Additional File 1)? What is meant by "sufficiently many cells for DE analysis" (page 3)?

AUTHOR RESPONSE 2: We now added a description of the Intron-Sampling to Clustering part of the Methods section. Sorry, for the confusion about the statement "sufficiently many cells …" - In this analysis we included all genes that were detected, i.e. had at least one read mapped. We changed this sentence. "For a fair comparison, we include all detected genes".

REVIEWER RESPONSE 2: Please clarify "all detected genes". Is this all genes detected in Exon or Exon+Intron? If including all detected genes, then why are there different numbers of genes in each quantile in Figure 4H (top panel)? By definition, a quantile bin should contain roughly equal numbers of observations, but this does not seem to be the case even if the quantiles were defined on the Exon+Intron data (the larger quantile bins have more genes for Exon+Intron).

  1. One major conclusion of the paper is that incorporation of intron-mapping reads significantly improves cluster resolution. It is perhaps not surprising that including the Intron counts results in a higher mean number of genes detected, but the authors conclude that since more clusters are also found that this means the additional reads are biologically meaningful. Unfortunately, the authors have not provided any evidence that this is the case. The fact that more clusters are seen says nothing about the difference between technical and biological sources of variation. If these additional clusters also corresponded to some independently measured biological covariate, the argument would have basis.

AUTHOR RESPONSE: While we do not wish to claim that counting of intron-mapping reads is recommended in all cases of scRNA-seq, we do think it is valid and helpful for extremely sparse datasets such as the DroNc-seq data from Habib et al. (2017). We now provide detailed analyses of differences between newly formed subclusters using Exon+Intron counting. We find not only more genes, but also more significantly differentially expressed genes between subclusters when using Exon+Intron UMI data (Figure 4D). Furthermore, log2 fold changes (LFC) for the groups that were split up more when using Exon+Intron counting corresponded well to the Exon-only LFC (see the new Figure 4F). Additionally, we illustrate the biological relevance of subclusters found with Exon+Intron data by the example of the transcriptomic subtypes of GABAergic Pvalb-type Neurons marked by Il1rapl2 expression. We have added this evidence to the 'Intron Counting' section and included methodological details in the appropriate Methods sections. Lastly, we have excluded the possibility of Intron-mapping reads being spurious by sampling fake intronic reads and attempting cluster identification (see response to Reviewer 1, point 3).

REVIEWER RESPONSE: The authors have not fully addressed the concern of biologically meaningful clustering results. They highlight the example of a single gene, which is not convincing that the results are systematically meaningful. In main text they state that 5% of the additional genes found are marker genes, but no baseline is given to be able to judge if that is a significant result. What percentage of genes overall are marker genes? What percentage of DE genes by exon only are marker genes?

Furthermore while they have shown that there are more DE genes between sub-clusters with introns included (again this is not surprising since more genes are detected), this result could be influenced to a degree by the use of a model (limma-trend) that is not appropriate for sparse RNA-seq data (see also response to Major comment 6).

In addition, it seems that the figures or additional results presented in the Additional File (including the "sampling fake intronic reads") are never mentioned in the manuscript. To me, the sampling fake intronic reads analysis could be a valuable addition to supporting the conclusion that utilizing the intronic reads gives biologically meaningful clustering results (as long as the details of this simulation are realistic, but these details are currently not provided).

As an additional note, it is not clear what color represents in newly added Figures 4D, G, and H and this is not defined in the legend. It is also not clear what color represents in Figure 4A and B - some colors seem to map to the legend of 4C, but not all of them.

AUTHOR RESPONSE 2: We extended the section where we cite a number of papers that utilize intron counts in the analysis of single cell RNA-seq and in particular single nuclei sequencing data. What information can be gained from intron counting is indeed a hot topic in the single cell community and even though we believe to contribute some evidence to support the notion that intron counts add biologically meaningful information, our paper is hardly the place where this issue can be fully resolved. However, the intron counting utility of zUMIs will facilitate research in this area and thus ultimately help other researchers to address this question.

Concerning the additionally detected marker genes: We do not expect any enrichment of marker genes when we use Exon+Intron counting and the 5% additional markers are roughly the level expected: 4 % of all detected Exon+Intron genes are also marker genes. However, detecting more of them gives us a better chance to later classify the cells. We also agree that it is not surprising that we find more DE genes if we detect more genes overall. Including introns simply allows us to better detect present transcripts. On the contrary, we would be reluctant to recommend the inclusion of Introns if they would lead to a major shift in the expression profiles, i.e. many more DE- or marker genes than expected.

We now added the fake intron analysis to Figure 4 and also extended the methods section for Cluster Identification to describe our sampling:

"To illustrate that the additional clusters found by counting Exon+Intron reads are not spurious, we use Intron-only UMI-counts from the same data to add to the observed Exon only counts. More specifically, to each gene we add scran-sizeFactor corrected Intron counts from the same gene after permuting them across cells. We assessed the cluster numbers from 100 such permutations."

We now explain the color schemes of Figure 4 A,B &E in the figure legend and added a color legend for D,H &I (formerly D,G & H). "Different shades of those clusters indicate that multiple clusters had the same major cell-type assigned."

REVIEWER RESPONSE 2: Thanks for the clarification regarding enrichment of marker genes as opposed to simply detecting more genes in general. I appreciate the explanation given by the paragraph in the authors' response beginning with "Concerning the additionally detected marker genes:...". It would be transparent to include this explanation in the manuscript, since as it reads currently, it seems to imply an enrichment for marker genes when including introns.

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I agree to the open peer review policy of the journal.

Authors' response to reviews: In order to increase readability, we have included only the remaining questions of the reviewer

REVIEWER RESPONSE 2: Please clarify "all detected genes". Is this all genes detected in Exon or Exon+Intron? If including all detected genes, then why are there different numbers of genes in each quantile in Figure 4H (top panel)? By definition, a quantile bin should contain roughly equal numbers of observations, but this does not seem to be the case even if the quantiles were defined on the Exon+Intron data (the larger quantile bins have more genes for Exon+Intron).

Author response: We have amended the text to clarify this point as requested. "For a fair comparison, we include all detected genes, which is equivalent to the number of genes detected with Exon+Intron counting and since we call a gene detected as soon as one count is associated, Exon counting is necessarily a subset of Exon+Intron."

REVIEWER RESPONSE 2: Thanks for the clarification regarding enrichment of marker genes as opposed to simply detecting more genes in general. I appreciate the explanation given by the paragraph in the authors' response beginning with "Concerning the additionally detected marker genes:...". It would be transparent to include this explanation in the manuscript, since as it reads currently, it seems to imply an enrichment for marker genes when including introns.

Author response: We agree with making the explanation as transparent as possible and have amended the text in this regard. "Here, we cross-reference the gene list with marker genes for transcriptomic subtypes detected for major cell types of the mouse brain and find that ~5% of the additional genes are also marker genes, which corresponds well to the general frequency of marker genes among the detected genes (4%). In the same vein, we also detect proportionally more DE genes with Exon+Intron counting as compared to Exon counting. Thus including introns simply allows us to better detect present transcripts, while it leaves the proportions of interest unaltered."


    © 2018 the Reviewer (CC BY 4.0).


    Swati, P., Christoph, Z., Beate, V., Wolfgang, E., Ines, H. 2018. zUMIs - A fast and flexible pipeline to process RNA sequencing data with UMIs. GigaScience.