ISBN: 978-80-244-5400-9 | ISBN online: 978-80-244-5402-3 | DOI: 10.5507/pdf.18.24454009

Dynamika dílčích funkcí u předškoláků a žáků mladšího školního věku

Milan Valenta, Jaromír Maštalíř, Libuše Ludíková, Dita Finková

Results of particular investigations presented in the publication were achieved within a more broadly oriented research project focused on factors affecting the dynamics of educability in children and pupils in need of special educational supportive measures - i.e. with special educational needs. The text incorporates conclusions from the pilot project research, results of comparative investigations in the dynamics of development of visual, auditive and intermodal functions in pre-school children and intact pupils of the first and the second years of primary school, and standards for selected basal function sub-tests for pupils in the second year of primary school (seven- / eight-year-olds).

1. edition, Published: 2018, online: 2018, publisher: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Křížkovského 8, 771 47 Olomouc


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