Journal of Technology and Information Education 2011, 3(1):59-63 | DOI: 10.5507/jtie.2011.012


Katarína ŽILKOVÁ
Katedra predškolskej a elementárnej pedagogiky, Pedagogická fakulta UK v Bratislave, Račianska 59, 813 34, Bratislava, SR

The paper presents the characteristics of the most widely used software products with the common name "dynamic geometric systems" in Slovakia, which are designed to teach plane geometry in elementary and secondary schools, and colleges that prepare teachers of mathematics too. Attention is given to three programs: Cabri Geometry, Compass and Ruler and GeoGebra. The aim is to give some parameters in comparison of nominated programs that are crucial in selecting of the environment for a particular mathematical task and its implementation.

Keywords: Animations, Cabri Geometry, Compass and Ruler, Dynamic, GeoGebra, Geometry, Interactivity, Constructions, Math Education

Published: April 1, 2011Show citation

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ŽILKOVÁ, K. (2011). DYNAMIC GEOMETRY SYSTEMS (DGS) - SOFTWARE SUPPORT FOR EDUCATION. Journal of Technology and Information Education3(1), 59-63. doi: 10.5507/jtie.2011.012
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