  • 期刊


Shooting Period of Target Distances for Junior Archers


本研究目的在於探討青少年射箭選手(國小組以及國中組兩組,每組各8名,共16名選手)在不同目標距離(國小組為短距離20公尺與長距離30公尺;國中組為短距離30公尺與長距離50公尺)上是否有不同的瞄射時距特徵。本研究利用高速攝影機(120 Hz)擷取青少年射箭選手之「瞄射時距(SP)」、「引弦時距(DP)」,「發射時距(LP)」與「瞄射比例(SR)」,並進一步探討上述四者在不同目標距離是否有差異以及與射箭成績間之相關性。本研究之結果如下:1.國中組在目標距離為短距離時,DP及SP與射箭分數呈顯著正相關,目標距離為長距離時,DP、SP及SR皆與射箭分數呈顯著正相關;國小組在兩種目標距離之DP、LP、SP和SR均與射箭分數無顯著相關。2.在DP、LP關聯性方面,只有國小組在目標距離為短距離之DP與LP呈顯著負相關(p<.05)。3.在不同目標距離差異方面,兩年齡組別射箭分數均隨著目標距離的增加而減少,LP皆較DP花費時間上較長,並且只有國小組隨著射箭距離在SR項目上有顯著差異,短距離顯著大於長距離。本研究結論顯示瞄射時間在細部技術上的確需要細分為兩個時距,以呈現細部技巧的重要性,國小組隨著目標距離越遠,需增加瞄射前段使用時間以加強穩定性。


The purpose of this study was to compare the differences of shooting period for junior archers at different target distances. Sixteen subjects were voluntarily participated in this study. In order to obtain athlete performances, in the present study, we used high speed camera (Mega Speed MS10K CCD B/W, 120 Hz) to collect data. Paired t-test was adopted to compare the significant differences (α=.05) at different target distances and Pearson correlation was used to exam the relationship among the drawing period (DP), lunching period (LP), shooting period (SP), and shooting ratio (SR). The results were presented as follows: (1) DP and LP of shorter target distance for the junior high school athletes were related to the scores significantly. DP, LP and SR of longer target distance for the junior high school athletes were related to the scores significantly. The DP, LP, SP and SR of two target distances weren, t related to the scores significantly for elementary school athletes. (2) Only DP were related negatively to LP significantly when the target distance was short for elementary school athletes. (p<.05) (3) As the target distance increased, the scores would be decreased. The athletes spent more time in DP. Only the SR of the shorter target distance was larger than that of the longer target distance for elementary school athletes. It was concluded that the shooting period (SP) should be divided into two periods. As the target distance increased, the athletes of elementary school should spend more time in drawing period to enhance the steady of shooting.


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