ISIS Neutron and Muon Source Data Journal

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Intermediate Structures formed during the aggregation of the Amyloid beta Peptide: A SANS Study

Abstract: The aggregation of the Amyloid beta (Abeta) peptide is implicated in the progression of Alzheimer's disease, the treatment of which is a major current global healthcare challenge. It has recently been reported that oligomeric states, formed before aggregation into fibrils, may be the toxic disease-causing species. Contrast variation SANS provides a unique in situ method to elucidate the structures formed at intermediate stages of fibrillization. We will perform SANS experiments on Abeta(1-40) and Abeta (1-42) to investigate the structure of intermediate structures including oligomeric species. For the first time, we will perform SANS on defined oligomeric states (prepared using in vitro methods from amyloid seeds, or using expressed species) as widely studied in the literature using ex situ methods such as TEM.

Public release date: 12 October 2015

Principal Investigator: Professor Ian Hamley
Experimenter: Dr Valeria Castelletto
Experimenter: Mr Ashkan Dehsorkhi

DOI: 10.5286/ISIS.E.24089607

ISIS Experiment Number: RB1220003

Part Number: 1 - LOQ

Date of Experiment: 06 October 2012

Publisher: STFC ISIS Neutron and Muon Source

Data format: RAW/Nexus
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Data Citation

The recommended format for citing this dataset in a research publication is as:
[author], [date], [title], [publisher], [doi]

For Example:
Professor Ian Hamley et al; (2012): Intermediate Structures formed during the aggregation of the Amyloid beta Peptide: A SANS Study, STFC ISIS Neutron and Muon Source,


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