ISIS Neutron and Muon Source Data Journal

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Neutron and muSR study of CePtSi: Non-Fermi liquid behaviour due to avoided magnetic ordering

Abstract: Previous studies have pointed to a heavy-electron state in CePtSi with a strongly enhanced electronic specific heat. We have explored the heat capacity, susceptibility and resistivity and the overall emerging picture is that magnetic ordering is avoided by accident: the entire 6fold energy level of the Hund¿s rule J=5/2 Ce ground state is available to the 4f electron, which brings about a spin degeneracy and entropy that avoids magnetic order in this system, in spite of the full Ce3+ effective paramagnetic moment. There is a strong Kondo action evident from the high-temperature resistivity, while at low temperatures the 4f electron scattering rate is modelled according to that of a marginal Fermi liquid. We propose to perform inelastic neutron scattering in order to confirm the picture obtained from heat capacity studies, as well as low-temperature muSR on CePtSi and LaPtSi.

Public release date: 08 December 2015

Principal Investigator: Professor Andre Strydom
Experimenter: Dr Devashi Adroja

DOI: 10.5286/ISIS.E.24089895

ISIS Experiment Number: RB1220458

Part Number: 1 - MARI

Date of Experiment: 28 November 2012

Publisher: STFC ISIS Neutron and Muon Source

Data format: RAW/Nexus
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The recommended format for citing this dataset in a research publication is as:
[author], [date], [title], [publisher], [doi]

For Example:
Professor Andre Strydom et al; (2012): Neutron and muSR study of CePtSi: Non-Fermi liquid behaviour due to avoided magnetic ordering , STFC ISIS Neutron and Muon Source,


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