Published October 11, 2023 | Version v1.0
Report Open

Publish OA report: Results of a Survey of Irish Publishers


  • 1. Royal Irish Academy


The Irish government’s National Open Research Forum funds projects with the aim of improving Ireland’s open access landscape by implementing priority actions. was one of the six projects awarded funding by NORF under the 2022 Open Research Fund. The project’s overall aim is to evaluate the feasibility of establishing a diamond open access platform for journals and monographs in Ireland. As part of this evaluation, Publish OA’s second working group responsible for Work Package 2 – Feasibility Study Part 1: Building momentum/Stepping stones – was tasked with evaluating the landscape of publishing in Ireland, identifying gaps and providing appropriate support. Desk research was performed to create a Directory of Irish publishers and all publishers in this Directory were contacted via a survey to check details in the Directory and engage with publishers on initial evaluation of the publishing landscape in Ireland that will be followed by a World Café, focus groups, semi-structured interviews and training/support on specific areas.


Report - results of survey of Irish publishers - v.1.pdf

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