Published October 3, 2023 | Version v1
Book Open

How to PED – The +CityxChange Cookbook: Experiences and Guidelines on Positive Energy Districts

  • 1. NTNU
  • 2. ISOCARP Institute
  • 3. Trondheim kommune
  • 4. Limerick City & County Council
  • 5. Město Písek
  • 6. Alba Iulia Municipality
  • 7. Municipality of Võru
  • 8. Municipality of Smolyan
  • 9. Sestao Berri
  • 10. University of Limerick
  • 11. Research2Market
  • 12. FourC
  • 13. GKinetic
  • 14. ANEO


“A PED is a process, not a product”
This “How to PED’’ cookbook contains experiences, lessons learned, and recommendations gained throughout the 5 years of the +CityxChan- ge EU Horizon 2020 project, specifically focused on the variety of activities necessary to develop and build Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) in smart sustainable cities and communities. Over the course of the book we will draw on the experiences of our 2 Lighthouse Cities, 5 Follower Cities, and 26 other partners, to demonstrate what it takes to build a PED.
We show the importance of collaboration and co-creation, involving the right people, designing effective pathways for change, deploying strong partnerships and financing, adapting to existing processes or adapting the processes themselves, developing impactful strategies, building new systems and services, and creating new infrastructure in PED projects.
This cookbook represents the processes and results of +CityxChange, where we all contribute with our own recipes & flavours. Just as in real life, recipes often need adjustment to taste. There is no single way to build a PED, so these recipes from our cities provide guidance through the complexities of the journey and share key information that helps initiate and smoothen the processes.


How to PED - CityxChange Cookbook-compressed.pdf

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Book: 978-82-303-6162-7 (ISBN)


CityxChange – Positive City ExChange 824260
European Commission