Published September 6, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Hostel Management and Logistics


The count of educational institutions in India
has been growing rapidly in the past few years. As a
result, there are many hostels, PGs built by the institute’s
management. As ofnow, the student database has been in
registers physically. The allotment of dormitory, fee
payment, student attendancewas taken manually. This is
a hectic work and may lead to loss of data as well as it
lacks proper and structured maintenance. Analyzing all
the above problems, we have come up with a solution
known as “Hostel Management and Logistics”. Thisis a
website that provides completely digitalized dormitory
registration, it also helps us in tracking the check-in and
check-out time stamps of each student using their face
recognition as an identity. Our website provides
inventory mess management by tracking the amount of
raw materials that arrive into the hostel mess and how
much food is being consumed by the students.



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