Published September 6, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Charting A Path Towards Understanding and Mitigating the Mental Health Impacts of Climate Change: An Introduction to the Inaugural Issue of the Journal of Mental Health and Climate Change


The inaugural issue of the Journal of Mental Health and Climate Change aims to illuminate the complex interplay between climate change and mental health. This issue consolidates research and insights into four principal themes: (1) the need for integrative paradigms in understanding climate-mental health relationships, (2) the exploration of mechanisms for motivation and coping with climate-induced distress, (3) the importance of social connectivity and resilience in mitigating mental health impacts, and (4) the need for equitable responses for key populations. The articles collectively call for a holistic approach that merges socio-cultural, psychological, and environmental perspectives. The issue identifies youth and other marginalized communities as both vulnerable groups and agents of change. It serves as an invitation for further interdisciplinary research and actionable solutions in this pressing public health arena.



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