Published November 2, 2022 | Version v2
Project deliverable Open

D2.2 Cross-fertilization workshop report – v2

  • 1. Politecnico di Milano
  • 2. Tecnalia
  • 3. Trust-IT


This deliverable is an extension of the results described in D2.1 (Cross-fertilization workshop report - v1), where we have reported about two other cross-fertilization workshops organised under the task T2.1. The main objective of the task T2.1 is to organize and deliver three workshops involving stakeholders from academia, industry and the public sector, representing different domains and application sectors. The workshops are important events to facilitate synergy-ignition among R&D EC funded projects, as well as a dissemination opportunity. In this deliverable D2.2 (Cross-fertilization workshop report – v2) we present the WEGreen Workshop, co-hosted by and HUB4CLOUD, on the topic of “Engineering Green and Sustainable Software in the Computing Continuum”.


Draft D2.2_Cross-fertilization workshop report-v2_final.pdf

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