Published August 27, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Academic Study on the Conceptual Meaning of Educational Administration


The area of educational administration is characterized by its extensive scope, including a multitude of key concepts that are important for students pursuing studies in this discipline. Several examples of these concepts include administration, education management, strategic planning, organizational structure, personnel management, leadership, coordination, performance evaluation, and financial allocation within the context of the public school system. This section provides a comprehensive discussion of the aforementioned ideas and concepts. Similarly, there were discourses about concepts of power and authority, with the evident disparities existing between these two constructs. Similar to other educational concepts, the term "management" has a range of interpretations that vary based on the perspective of the one being consulted. The term "manage" originates from the verb "manage," denoting the act of overseeing or delegating the task of caring for something to another individual. It is also feasible to denote the assumption of authority or dominance over an entity or individual. An illustration of significance lies in the implementation of designating an educator accountable for a certain group of students inside an educational institution. The term "director" has the potential to include the exercise of power and control over several entities. One illustration of this phenomenon is the management of disruptive pupils within a classroom setting, when the instructor uses verbal directives to request their silence. Another important aspect is the efficient management of an organization's financial resources, including revenue and expenditures. This phrase can also mean the person's capacity to do what one decides to do, or to achieve one's goals. For instance, "By what means did he successfully navigate his examinations?" Let us consider the question at hand. As an illustration. Within the given context, the term "manage" refers to the act of successfully attaining a certain objective. Additionally, it symbolizes the act of engaging in a certain work or endeavor with the intention of attaining a particular objective. Productivity is often attributed to those who are able to successfully accomplish their objectives. Consequently, the effectiveness of a manager is evident when they demonstrate productivity in attaining the predetermined goals and objectives of the firm.


Article -Dr. Hacı Malkoç - Academic Study on the Conceptual Meaning of Educational Administration.pdf