Published August 4, 2023 | Version v1
Other Open

Crisis management: A look at differentiated refugee support in countries of first asylum.

  • 1. Danube University Krems


  • Scale of refugee aid responses are often biased at the scale of the regional response and amongst refugee nationality groups receiving support in host countries.
  • Biased aid in refugee responses impacts which refugees receive better access to assistance and support, based primarily on their citizenship
  • Uneven aid distribution and support for economic inclusion between refugee groups can negatively impact those that are excluded from such support mechanisms.


The policy brief was prepared within the framework of the project "Smart Migration and Asylum Governance" (SMAG). The study was co-financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior, Grant no 10 ST AMIF 2319F – 230/20 BS.


Final-Almasri- Differentiated Refugee Responses.pdf

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