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Published May 24, 2023 | Version v1
Proposal Open

Md. Anowar Hossain, my family struggling from my child schooling to PhD schooling; communication and relation with my family/relative peoples for my life-threatening investigation during my PhD schooling at RMIT University in Australia (Part-3)

  • 1. RMIT University


  • 1. RMIT University


Key purpose of case letter

Author faced life-threatening at PhD school in Australia. Professor (Dr.) Rajiv Padhye told the author about family/relative peoples in Bangladesh without specific reason of official discussion and/or PhD schooling in Australia. Author had no personal relation with Professor (Dr.) Rajiv Padhye. Professor (Dr.) Rajiv Padhye did research on my family background, maternal family, paternal family and relative peoples as prerequisite of PhD schooling when I was full time engaged at PhD school to continue my PhD research on color engineering. Finally, he tried to kill me in Melbourne by his hidden technology in Australia and Bangladesh. Professor (Dr.) Rajiv Padhye verbally confirmed his connection with my family/related peoples in Bangladesh under assessment responsibility at PhD school. The family in Bangladesh was expanded to PhD school in Australia for making artificial harassment to PhD candidate. Author hardly complained against Professor (Dr.) Rajiv Padhye about his life-threatening occurrence at PhD school to Professor (Dr.) Alec Cameron, honorable Vice-Chancellor of RMIT University in 2022. Therefore, real explanation of my family relation has been signified to satisfy the hidden requirement of Australian PhD school administered by Professor (Dr.) Rajiv Padhye and his associates in Bangladesh and Australia. This person may have hidden target for unethical achievement under connection with family people of PhD candidate funded by Australian Government RTP Stipend Scholarship 



Md. Anowar Hossain, my family struggling from my child schooling to PhD schooling and a communication with my family/relative peoples for my life-threatening investigation during my PhD schooling at RMIT University in Australia (Part-3); School of Fashion and Textiles, RMIT University, 25 Dawson Street, Brunswick, Melbourne, VIC 3056, Australia.


Keynote of case letter

This case letter has an investigation between family office and professional office to minimize any hidden conspiracy. This case letter has contribution for personal protection from the violence of relative people in family office and professional office. This case letter has a general allegation of violence/investigation related to family office and professional office in Bangladesh and Australia. The philosophy of case letter may be helpful for criminal lawyer, social philosopher, education philosopher, executives of social welfare, motivation of family support for PhD education, family harassment against PhD education, executives of human rights, student community, professor community, behaviour of female against male, human development scope, research on human behavior, limitation of law, limitation of convincing judge, limitation of showing right evidence relates to verbal crime, limitation of convincing judge relates to verbal crime, right practice of criminology, sacrifice for relative people versus personal protection in life-long journey, development of human ethics, development of lawyer ethics. Therefore, understanding of judge for decision making to make right alignment of law is so tough in terms of allegation of victims-allegation of criminals-allegation of witnesses-allegation of lawyers-multidimensional phsycho-physics of human brain. Hence right practice of human ethics may be right solution for peace of human being. [This case letter has been written in Bengali and English]


[All readers are being highly requested to understand the whole philosophy of case letter without considering and understanding specific word or sentence; explained for whole meaning under additional output of PhD Degree at PhD school]


My family struggling from my child schooling to PhD schooling; communication and relation with my familyrelative peoples for my life-threatening investigation during my PhD schooling at RMIT (Part-3).pdf