Published April 23, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Academic Review on the Relationship of Dark Triad Personality Traits and Self-Esteem to the Causes of Romantic Jealousy


Previous studies have shown substantial connections between the Dark Triad (DT; narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism) and short-term mating preferences (for example, Jonason et al., 2010, Jonason et al., 2012). The DT refers to the traits of narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism. DT is comprised of three different personality traits: narcissism, psychopathy, and according to Jonason, Lyons, and Blanchard (2015) on Machiavellianism, with characteristics such as empowerment, dominance, dominance (i.e., narcissism), loose social attractiveness, deception, manipulativeness (i.e. Machiavellianism), and disorder. It's possible that DT qualities like psychopathy, which are characterized by antisocial conduct, impulsivity, and interpersonal antagonism, make it easier to find short-term partners. According to Brewer et al. 2015, researchers have shown a connection between DT qualities and a person's preferences when it comes to mating, as well as how an individual reacts to (possible) relationship dangers after engaging into a close relationship. Research conducted by Goncalves and Campbell (2014), Jonason et al. (2010), Rasmussen and Boon (2014), and Brewer et al. (2015) found that when women reported higher levels of psychopathy, they were more likely to seek revenge in response to a hypothetical situation detailing a partner's infidelity (for instance, by shouting and spreading stories). In this situation, cheating partners are confronted by their partners' cheating spouses, and the wives are given the option to reply. In a similar vein, Goncalves and Campbell (2014) found that DT qualities are connected to the implementation of certain competitive exception techniques. On the other hand, those who scored higher on narcissism (as opposed to those who scored lower) were more likely to stand out from their competitors in terms of mating. people who scored lower (as opposed to higher) in psychopathy claimed that they were more inclined to harm the reputation of their peers. This contrasts with those people who scored higher in psychopathy. Jealousy is one of the most normal emotional reactions that people exhibit when they perceive (potential) harm to their connection (for example, Dijkstra & Buunk, 1998), whereas jealousy is the outcome of a romantic attachment in response to a threat or as a result of the attention of a real or fictitious competition. Jealousy is one of the most common emotional responses that people display when they see (possible) risk to their relationship. may be described as a de facto loss. This competitor may or may not exist in the real world. It's possible that the end of a love relationship is the root cause of your jealousy.


Academic Review on the Relationship of Dark Triad Personality Traits and Self-Esteem to the Causes of Romantic Jealousy.pdf