Published April 19, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Efficiency and Capability of Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS): A Powerful Tool for Sustainable Groundwater Management


In this review paper, the potential of remote
sensing (RS) and geographic information systems (GIS)
for sustainable groundwater management and
development is explored. Recent literature on the use of
RS and GIS in groundwater resource management is
analyzed, evaluating the efficiency and capability of
these technologies throughout various stages of
groundwater management. Challenges and limitations
associated with their use are also highlighted, with
potential solutions proposed to overcome them.
Ultimately, the review concludes that RS and GIS are
powerful tools for sustainable groundwater management
and development, with significant benefits in terms of
cost-effectiveness, accuracy, and time-efficiency.
However, more research is needed to improve their
integration in groundwater management and address
current limitations. Overall, this review offers valuable
insights into the potential of RS and GIS in sustainable
groundwater management and development.



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