Published February 23, 2023 | Version 1.0
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The Humorarium - Toolkit for the use of feminist humour to combat sexism and resistances to gender equality in academia

  • 1. University of Deusto
  • 2. Yellow Window


GEARING-Roles Horizon 2020 Project has developed the Humorarium Toolkit, with arguments and vignettes using feminist humour, aiming to support gender equality stakeholders in their effort to combat resistance to change, in the context of research performing organisations. The toolkit aims to showcase how feminist art and humour can be powerful means to reach different groups of people and promote equality in a light and effective way for topics that could be perceived as contentious. In order to encourage reflection and active participation on the subject of sexism and gender equality in academia, the toolkit provides counter-arguments to build the case for gender equality in academia, a set of recommendations addressed to individuals and policy-makers, and a list of inspiring ideas and activities for the use of vignettes to further embrace the use of feminist humour in the context of academia.


Citation: López Belloso, Maria, Lut Mergaert and Panagiota Polykarpou. The Humorarium - Toolkit for the use of feminist humour to combat sexism and resistances to gender equality in academia. Bilbao and Antwerp: GEARING-Roles, University of Deusto, Yellow Window, 2023. Participant artists: Miryam Artola, Iñigo Maestro, Arevik d'Or, Aslı Alpar and Marta Orduna Cortillas.


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GEARING ROLES – Gender Equality Actions in Research Institutions to traNsform Gender ROLES 824536
European Commission