Published February 16, 2023 | Version v1
Conference paper Open


  • 1. Președinte UNEJ RM
  • 2. Universitatea de Stat din Moldova


The legislation of the Republic of Moldova obliges parents to be responsible for the physical, intellectual and spiritual development of their children and to support their minor children and adult children who are unable to work and require material support. The purpose of this obligation is to ensure the good conditions for the growth and education of minors and, upon reaching adulthood, to be able to provide for their own existence. Compliance with the obligation to support the child is of particular importance in the case when one of the parents lives separately from the child following the parents' divorce. Although the legislative framework corresponds to international standards and the state is the guarantor of respect for human rights, there are many cases of violations of the child's right to maintenance. The new trends in marriage and family relations, as well as the difficult socioeconomic situation, the reduced flexibility of the legal framework regarding the family and the lack of effective enforcement mechanisms have significantly affected the practice of paying child maintenance pension. 


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  • 1. CHISTRUGA-SINCHEVICI, I., TALMACI, R. Asigurarea cu pensie de întreținere a copiilor cu părinți divorțați. Chișinău, 2017, Tipografia ,,Foxtrot".
  • 2. BELEI, E., BUDĂI, N., PRUTEANU, V., STRATULAT, Gh. Comentariul Codului de Executare al Republicii Moldova. Cartea I. Executarea hotărârilor cu caracter civil. Chișinău, 2021, ÎS FEP ,,Tipografia Centrală.
  • 3. LUPUȘOR, I. Raport Tematic ,,Evaluarea respectării drepturilor omului în procesul de executare a documentelor executorii". Chișinău, 2021.
  • 4. Constituția RM. În: Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova, 2016, nr. 78, art.140.
  • 5. Legea RM nr. 246 din 15.11.2018 procedura notarială. În: Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova, 2019, art.89.
  • 6. Codul de Executare al RM. În: Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova, 2010, nr. 214-220, art.704.
  • 7. Codul Familiei al RM. În: Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova, 2001, nr. 47-48, art.210.
  • 8. Hotărârea Curții Constituționale a RM pentru controlul constituționalității unor prevederi ale articolului 60, al. (3) și al. (31) din Codul de Executare al RM nr. 443-XV din 24.12.2004.