Published August 17, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Scientific Study Comparing Digital Advertising and Print Advertising


Recently, because of the exponential expansion of digital media, the importance of print media in the total marketing mix has been questioned. The study owners run three separate tests to compare the effectiveness of traditional print ads with that of digital ads. The study owners use eye tracking and biometric metrics during exposure and show that print ads result in higher levels of coding and engagement than digital ads. The authors in the literature, on the other hand, use functional magnetic resonance imaging and discovered that print ads caused more activity in the hippocampus and Para hippocampal areas than digital ads. This finding is remarkable. Extending these discoveries, it shows that participants were better able to remember print ads in terms of their content, context, and brand affiliation when they used passages as access cues. There is further evidence that the clear memory advantage for print ads is mostly attributable to improved coding during first exposure. This is possible as well as showing that the results of earlier studies have a high degree of reliability. Despite the rapid rise of digital media and communication, these results show that marketers should not ignore the importance of print media in advertising. This is the conclusion that can be drawn from a practical point of view about the results of the research. In a more digital world, the future of print advertising is often up for debate. Does the development of the Internet lead to the disappearance of traditional advertising media such as newspapers? This is a subject of debate that is brought up regularly, and we cannot deny the fact that there has been a recent decline in the number of copies of newspapers. On the other hand, PAMCo's latest data shows that news brands are stronger than ever. According to the data, the growing respect and demand for journalism as a reliable source of information among readers is at an all-time high and has never been higher.



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