Published September 15, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Academic Review on the Change of Formal Education Model to Online Weight with COVID-19


While the COVID-19 pandemic forced many countries to take urgent measures, it also caused an explosion in the online education system, which appeared as a necessary response to the health crisis. A month after the official declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 1500 research papers addressing the topic of online education in the conditions of the latest health crisis had already been uploaded to the Web of Science database. While most of these articles emphasize on explaining the different practices around the world of practice, they also highlight the revisions of the education system under these new, extraordinary circumstances. A visible shift from traditional education to online education without any prior preparation has certainly marked the first but also the second year of the global pandemic. Confirmation of the epidemic has forced many students to return to their homes or countries and attend classes via digital means. Online teaching and learning are the only alternative solution for implementing teacher and student activities without any reduction or interruption from the set of teaching activities and is the main reason this form of teaching is most widely used. In the education sector, many subjects related to WD have been the subject of research from different demographic, psychographic and behavioral aspects in a brief time. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major disruptions in the work of educational institutions and has noticeably affected the work of students, teachers, and educational institutions, as complete or partial closure of schools, colleges and universities around the world has been imposed during certain periods. Due to the lack of information about the potential duration of the epidemic, many educational institutions quickly resorted to online teaching, using various technological tools to ensure teaching continuity. It is interesting to note that before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, very few educational institutions ran solely or partially according to the principles of online education. The recent health crisis soon forced many educational institutions to adapt their activities to online teaching. However, successfully digitizing teaching has not always been easy.

