Published November 9, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

On the Ground of Politics and Political Life Quantum Leadership Paradigm



Express the same meaning in our language, it is understood that the words politics and politics originating from Ancient Greek and Arabic are related to the city, state, society, and administration; however, the primary field of study of politics is political power. Because politics is a social activity, the first of the conditions that create politics is social life; later conditions that create politics are differentiation, conflict, and reconciliation resulting from differences. The field of study known as political science, in which political thinkers restricted their subject to the "state," II. Following the conclusion of World War II, it developed into an independent field of study and began to incorporate the idea of "political power." When we think about "leadership" as "the attitude adopted by the organization or the top managers of the organization, the management, and the path it follows," a new understanding of the phenomenon of "politics" appears. There is a good chance that the phenomenon of leadership, which results from the inherent hierarchical nature of humans, will continue to exist in the future just as it does today and in the past. The emphasis that is typically placed on leadership definitions is that of the leader activating the structure through interaction with the group. To make progress in a world that is uncertain, unpredictable, and complex, where everything is interrelated, and where even slight changes can have a significant impact, we need quantum organizations and a quantum paradigm. The term "paradigm" refers to a unique way of looking at things, as well as a different understanding and way of thinking; so, the term "Quantum Paradigm" refers to a way of thinking that encourages personal liberty and diverse thought in an approach that is centered on the human experience. According to Gündomuşü (2019), the quantum perspective is a concept that is holistic, flexible, self-organizing, self-organizing, selforganizing, team-working, non-hierarchical, risk-taking, vision-centered, probabilistic, and environment-sensitive. In addition, the "Chaos" theory managed significant developments across the board in the social sciences as well as the physical sciences during the 1900s. The fundamental ideas behind "Quantum Mechanics" represent the most in-depth comprehension of nature that the human mind can produce. The flaws in Newtonian mechanics were the source of its origin. The classical Newtonian worldview is naturally distinct from the quantum leader's worldview, as the chaotic and probabilistic qualities of the quantum characteristic are mirrored in the worldview of the quantum leader. "their theories are precise and clear when all conditions are constant," according to Newtonian thought, whereas, according to quantumist thought, "nothing is fixed, it is in constant change," (Ozgenc, 2008) The purpose of this research is to shed light on the connection that exists between the quantum paradigm and quantum leadership by investigating the origins and evolution of the concept of leadership through the lenses of politics and everyday political life. To achieve this goal, national and international publications on the subject were combed through, and the data that was gleaned from these readings was analyzed.

