Published December 30, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Ubinia jipai n. isp. and Megagrapton isp. (Graphoglyptida) in the middle member of the Sinaia formation (Upper Berriasian-Lower Hauterivian) from Prahova Valley (Romania)

  • 1. NIRD GeoEcoMar


The paper firstly presents, two biogenic sedimentary structures (trace fossils) belonging to the ichnofamily Graphoglyptidae, represented by the ichnogenera Ubinia and Megagrapton from the middle member of the Sinaia Formation in the Prahova valley. The new ichnospecies Ubinia jipai is described. Advancing the hypothesis of the complex structure, of the Megagrapton-Ubinia type, it is not excluded that this morphological configuration represents an unknown ichnotaxon from the bottom of the deep Cretaceous seas.



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