Published May 5, 2022 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Archaeological buildings documentation with the ARIADNE CRMba

  • 1. PIN Servizi Didattici e Scientifici per l'Università di Firenze, Prato, Italy


CRMba is a CIDOC CRM extension, a semantic structure capable of describing the complexity of the building in the archaeological context. It addresses the challenges of data heterogeneity along with the use of standards and ontologies. CRMba provides support for understanding the structure of the building and its evolution over time and space, documenting the its functions and other aspects such as changes over time and dating information. An example of a Roman amphitheatre demonstrates the use of CRMba. Other uses include the mapping of stratigraphic relationships. Future work will explore the integration of the CRMba model in the BIM environment to create a semantic network capable of connecting all the collected documentation to the three-dimensional representation of a building as well as collecting requirements for the documentation of the architectural heritage for the definition of possible fundamental classes and missing properties.



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ARIADNEplus – Advanced Research Infrastructure for Archaeological Data Networking in Europe - plus 823914
European Commission