Published January 27, 2016 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Baldorhynchus regalini Bello & Osella 2016, sp. n.


Baldorhynchus regalini Bellò & Osella sp. n.

(Figures 37, 37a, 37b, 37c, 37d, 37e, 37f, 85, 126)

Troglorhynchus blesioi Osella, 1968: Regalin 1988: 38, 39.

Type locality. “Lacca del Noce, 3624 LoBG, Colle Martinazzo, 810 m, Vigolo, Bergamo”.

Diagnosis. A Baldorhynchus species of large size belonging to the B. moczarskii group. Within this species group, recognized by elytra more elongate and punctution of the elytra small and shallow. The pronotum is covered by small, shallow, sparse and irregularly scattered punctation. Elytra punctation is shallow, isodiametric, regularly aligned. Total length: 5.10–5.40 mm. Elytra with length/width ratio 2.00–2.05. Pronotum length 1.00– 1.10 mm with length/width ratio 1.16–1.18.

Type series. Holotype female: [transparent label with genitalia] // "♀"[white, printed] // "Vigolo (BG) Lacca del Noce, cat. 3624 LoBG, leg. Regalin" [hand-written] // Baldorhynchus sp. prope O. (B.) blesioi, det. C. Pesarini"[hand-written] //” Baldorhynchus regalini sp. n., Holotype, det. Bellò & Osella, 2015" [red, printed] (GOS).

Paratypes: "Vigolo (BG) Lacca del Noce, cat. 3624 BG, leg. Regalin" (RMO): two females; " Lombardia, Bergamo, Vigolo, Lacca del Noce, cat. 3624 LO, 18. 1. 1986, leg. R. Regalin" (CBE): one female. Types are four (all females) and three genitalia were examined.

Holotype. Female. Total length: 5.35 mm. Rostrum elongate; about twice longer than the head; dorsum convex; mesorostrum gibbous; a dozen epistomal setae thin, curved, semi-erect. Antenna slender and elongate with long, semi-erect, thin setae; scape clavate and as robust as funicle. Scape length: 1.05 mm; funicle length: 1.15 mm. Scape length/funicle length ratio: 0.91. Funicle with club ratios as follows: 14: 9: 8: 7: 6: 7: 6: 30 (club); fusiform club with first segment flat, longest of four last funicle segments, at least twice wider than funicle. Head smooth on disc, short, conical. Supraorbital area with golden-yellowish pubescence. Vertex width / mesorostrum width: ratio 2.00. Vestigial eyes not present, and area not covered by pubescence. Pronotum (length: 1.10 mm, width: 0.95 mm, ratio: 1.16) sub-cylindrical, sinuate at the base, clearly longer than wide, wider in the middle; short golden erect seta inserted in center of hole; punctation not deep, isodiametric but of different widths and not uniformly arranged; not smooth central area on disc. Scutellum strongly small, excavated, triangular. Elytra convex, elongate-oval with prominent suture (length: 3.25 mm, width: 1.60 mm, ratio: 2.03), strongly rounded on sides, widest at basal third and ogive-shaped on declivity. Punctation of striae superficial, isodiametric but of different widths; only some with a minute and long seta; interspaces between strial punctation regular and less wide than hole. Interstriae as wide as striae, flat, smooth with sparse, long and erect setae. Legs thin and elongate, with rather long golden setae. Femora clubbed and edentate. Tibiae with six tooth-like tubercles on inner edge; protibia slightly curved in side view, metatibia and mesotibia straight. Sternite VIII with sides sub-parallel of lamina and with apical margin fused. Spermatheca with cornu developed, ramus and nodulus strongly inconspicuous (Fig. 85). Ovipositor weakly sclerotized, gonocoxites tapered, with short styli and several more or less long setae.

Male. Not known.

Distribution. See Fig. 132. Italian endemic. Known only from “Lacca del Noce” cave, at 810 meters of elevation: 45°43’33.65”N 9°59’43.53”E in “Colle Martinazzo, Ca della Scola” near Vigolo (Bergamo).

Etymology. Named for the eminent entomologist and specialist of Chrysomelidae Renato Regalin as a gift for his valuable collaboration.

Ecology/Phenology. Specimens of this species were collected digging rootlets under a walnut tree, Regalin (in litteris, 2013). Regalin (in litteris, 2014) wrote: “Ricordo anche di aver raccolto delle larve (due) nello stesso microambiente dove vivevano gli adulti, ovvero nel terriccio nero dove c'erano le radichette della pianta di noce che cresceva presso l'ingresso della cavità” (I also remember that he had collected the larvae (two) in the same microenvironment where lived adults, that is, in the black soil where there were rootlets of the walnut tree that grew near the entrance of the cave). Recorded temperature for presence of alive specimens was 8.3 C° Regalin, 1988.

Reproduction. Probably parthenogenetic. Species known only from four females.


Published as part of Bello, Cesare, Osella, Giuseppe & Baviera, Cosimo, 2016, A taxonomic revision of the genus Baldorhynchus (Di Marco & Osella, 2002) stat. n. (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae), pp. 1-101 in Zootaxa 4070 (1) on pages 86-88, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4070.1.1,


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Scientific name authorship
Bello & Osella
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
Taxon rank
Taxonomic concept label
Baldorhynchus regalini Bello & Osella, 2016


  • Regalin, R. (1988) Ricerche Biospeologiche. VII. Indagine sui Coleotteri eucavernicoli e su altra fauna di grotte del Sebino Bergamasco. Rivista del Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali " E. Caffi " BERGAMO, 13 (1988), pp. 21 - 44.