Published June 28, 2021 | Version v1
Preprint Open

Analisi organizzativa di una media azienda del centro Italia operante nel settore degli impianti elettrici civili e industriali, volta alla gestione del passaggio generazionale (Organizational analysis of a medium company in central Italy operating in the sector of civil and industrial system, aimed at the management of the generational handover in the company).


This article describes the results of an organizational analysis conducted as part of an organizational consultancy project aimed at supporting the process of generational handover of a medium-sized company in central Italy operating in the design, installation and maintenance of civil and industrial electrical systems, oriented to developing organizational well-being and quality. The organizational analysis was carried out according to a qualitative research method based on the use of unstructured interview and focus group techniques. From the analysis of the results, two development hypotheses emerged with respect to the management of the generational handover and the improvement of organizational operating methods. As for the generational transition, it seems necessary to proceed with the identification of a shared vision and strategy, between current partners, their sons and staff, aimed at implementing a shared and actively participated path. With regard to the improvement of organizational functioning methods, three areas emerge in which to intervene promptly through organizational consultancy and training actions: the focus and sharing of the role of the organizational dimensions that underpin the company's functioning, the implementation of a system of staff development and implementation of an effective strategy for monitoring and market and customer satisfaction assessment.


Analisi organizzativa di una media azienda del centro Italia operante nel settore degli impianti elettrici..pdf