Published June 27, 2019 | Version v1
Other Open

Collection 14: U.S. Student Newspapers (articles mentioning "humanities" or "liberal arts")


A collection of word-frequency and other data representing 21,182 unique articles mentioning the "humanities" or "liberal arts" (no duplicates or close variants) published in 1998-2018 (primarily 2005-2018) in about 650 U.S university and college student newspapers that are on the UWire news service. WE1S and other researchers use this data to look for broad patterns and help guide closer study.

The top 20 student newspapers with the most articles mentioning "humanities" or "liberal arts" (in descending order) in Collection 14 are from the following institutions: Stanford, Dartmouth C., U. Texas–Austin, Harvard, Carnegie Mellon, Princeton, Brown, UCLA, U. Wisconsin–Madison, California State U.– Fullerton, U. Houston, Columbia, U. Iowa, Indiana U., Cornell, San Antonio College, Brigham Young U., Eastern Illinois U., Arizona State U.*

* Note: The Stanford Daily ranks disproportionately high in number of articles in this collection (1,065), compared with other total article numbers in the top twenty in the collection approximately from 160 to 400.

Collection Metadata

  • Created by: Lindsay Thomas
  • Created on: June 27th 2019, 12:00:00 am
  • WE1S Collection Registry ID: 20190627_1712_us-humanities-libarts-universitywire
  • Data sources: LexisNexis (via LN Web Services Kit), ProQuest, and direct scraping from the Web.

Suggested Citation for Collection

WE1S Project, Collection 14: U.S. Student Newspapers (articles mentioning "humanities" or "liberal arts"), 2019, doi: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.XXX.


WE1S makes available only "non-consumptive use" word frequency, topic model, and other datasets along with their visualizations. Datasets cannot be used to access, read, or reconstruct the original texts.

(See WE1S Research Materials Overview for the relation between the project's "datasets" and "collections.")


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