Published September 17, 2020 | Version 2.4
Project deliverable Open

BigDataGrapes D2.2 - Data Management Plan & Support Pack


This deliverable outlines the strategy for data management to be followed throughout the course of the project and presents the associated support pack including: (a) the data management guidelines and (b) a template that will be instantiated for all datasets that will be used and/or produced by the project pilots as part of the identified use cases and relevant scenarios.

Based on the progress so far of “T2.1 Use Cases & Requirements”, three (3) use cases have been identified which were then further divided in different scenarios. The pilot that will be later defined will constitute instantiations of these use cases. For these use case and scenarios, all of the supporting datasets have already been described with the help of a data management plan template, which has been produced following the Guidelines on FAIR Data Management in Horizon 2020. These templates per different scenarios will be periodically updated to take account of additional decisions or best practices adopted during the project lifetime.

Until the end of the project, they will include detailed individual Data Management Plans (DMPs) for the datasets (or groups of related datasets) that are used per use case. More specifically, these plans address a number of questions related to hosting the data (persistence), appropriately describing the data (data provenance, relevant audience for re-use, discoverability), access and sharing (rights, privacy, limitations) and information about the human and physical resources expected to carry out the plans.


D2.2 Data Management Plan & Support_v2.4 (Submitted to EC).pdf

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BigDataGrapes – Big Data to Enable Global Disruption of the Grapevine-powered Industries 780751
European Commission