Published September 3, 2009 | Version v1
Report Open

Recommendations concerning risks of introduction of animals from a herd with Q-fever into another herd

  • 1. Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority


Introduction of an animal from a herd with Q-fever into another herd, can increase the risk to animal and public health. For the infected herd from which the animal originates (the source herd) the risk depends on the possibility that an animal from an infected herd will excrete the bacterium, and the extent and duration of excretion. For the receiving herd (target herd) the infection status and speed of transmission of the bacterium in the herd are determining factors.   


NL; nl;


Recommendations concerning risks of introduction of animals from a herd with Q-fever into another herd_OP_NL_nl_03-09-2009.pdf

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