Published September 5, 2020 | Version v1
Presentation Open

I want to be an Open Scientist! Research Evaluation and Incentives to boost Open Science and Research Careers

  • 1. GARR
  • 2. Technopolis Group
  • 3. Politecnico di Torino
  • 4. CNR
  • 5. University of Liège


Slides and material presented at the Euroscience Open Forum, ESOF2020 the session I want to be an Open Scientist! Research Evaluation and Incentives to boost Open Science and Research Careers

Everybody is talking about Open Science and FAIR data but can you really make a living (and a good career) out of it? Will my career get better if I FAIRify my data? Or will it just make my head ache? When someone will evaluate my research, will the fact that my data complies with all the Open Science best practices matter? Or am I just losing time I should rather spend publishing on whatever journal I can lay hands on? And where am I supposed to learn how to be fair and open anyway?

The right answer to these questions is crucial to the career choices and expectations of many students and young researchers, yes, but it is also the point which can make the difference between succeeding or failing in establishing Open Science (and ultimately Good Science). To be able to shift the research evaluation system in Europe in order to produce quality and reliable data, to set up a working incentive system for individual researchers and organisations is one of the keys to a widespread uptake of Open Science and FAIR practices. And being so crucial a point, we believe that researchers, Research Infrastructures, scientific organisations should have a say in this.
That’s why we proposed an interactive session where good ideas, innovative pilots, proposed policies from all across Europe were presented and discussed.

The session was organised by the EC INFRAEOSC-CALL-5 Projects, including, FAIRsFAIR, EOSC Pillar, EOSC Synergy, EOSC-Nordic, ExPaNDS, NI4OS-Europe, that aim at co-create the European Open Science Cloud, stepping from the Stakeholder Community needs.
The format included mini TED from expert speaker to introduce the debate and audience contribution via  interactive tool.
Themes for discussion included:

  • SKILLS for the career programme with focus on DATA STEWARD
  • POLICIES for implementing Open Science



Additional details

Funding – 831644
European Commission
EOSC-Pillar – Coordination and Harmonisation of National Inititiatives, Infrastructures and Data services in Central and Western Europe 857650
European Commission