Published July 14, 2020 | Version Submitted
Dataset Restricted

Dataset for Fingerprints and early-warning signals of AMOC change

  • 1. Met Office, UK


This is the data used for the publication:

Jackson, L.C. and R.A Wood (2020): Fingerprints and early-warning signals of AMOC change.  Journal of Climate

Most netcdf files contain timeseries of the different metrics examined. The name of the netcdf file is the metric name. Within these files are 1D variables of the metric for each experiment in the form varname_expname and separate variables for the times (in years).

Exceptions to this are: with the 2D maps of SST shown in Fig 7 with the first eof of the 400m temperature in the control also shown in Fig 7





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TiPES – Tipping Points in the Earth System 820970
European Commission