Published August 25, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Erziehung und Bildung als Bindeglieder des Sozialen? Zäsuren und Verflechtungen in Debatten über Reorganisationen im Bildungswesen, Militär und sozialen Bewegungen der Deutschschweiz um 1800


Education as a means of social cohesion? Caesura and entanglements in debates on reorganisation in education, the military and social movements in German-speaking Switzerland around 1918

Around 1918 debating spaces opened up and gave way to various knowledge struggles. The pre-war order was partly delegitimized and the experience of war often considered as a lesson learnt. Against this backdrop, this article shows that in ostensibly very disparate debate contexts such as feminist and peace movements, the military and the educational system, people related to education in very similar ways. In all three contexts the envisaged new order of society ought to be reached by educationalizing the future.




Grube et. al_2019_Erziehung und Bildung_Text_1.pdf

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