Published July 8, 2019 | Version 1
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Jesus as Anathema (1Cor 12:3) in light of Didache 16:5 in translation by A. Świderkówna

  • 1. Pontifical University of John Paul II: Kraków


In detailed lexical and grammatical analyses, the present article proves that a correct understanding of the statement of St. Paul in 1Cor 12:3 is as follows:

Just as “there is no idol in the world, and there is no God but one” (1Cor 8:4), so also the spirit of no god (from among so-called gods – cf. 1Cor 8:5; 2Cor 11:4) will reveal the fullness of the mystery of neither Jesus-Anathema nor Jesus-Lord, but only the Holy Spirit, who is absolutely unique spirit of the only God. Thanks only to the Holy Spirit, a believer can proclaim with an understanding “Jesus is Anathema,” “Jesus is the Lord”!

Jesus is Anathema means that He accepted in His life and mission the position of a man cut off from the People by priests as the official representatives of God. Acclamation “Jesus is Anathema” is not a cursing thrown towards Jesus but a liturgical proclamation of the whole mystery of Him who humbled Himself by the acceptance of humiliation, contempt and finally crucifixion (cf. Phil 2:5-8), to receive from the Father the state of lordship/giving eternal life to those who believe in Him and love Him (cf. 2Cor 8:9; Phil 2:9-11). It is in a strict connection with the second acclamation, “Jesus is the Lord.”

Such an understanding of Jesus-Anathema in 1Cor 12:3 is the same as in Didache 16:5, where Cathathema-Jesus is the savior for those who believe in Him.

This article is the translation of the article: W. Kosek, Jezus jako «Anathema» (1Kor 12,3) w świetle Didache 16,5 w tłumaczeniu A. Świderkówny, in: B. Strzałkowska (ed.), Więcej szczęścia jest w dawaniu aniżeli w braniu. Księga pamiątkowa dla Księdza Profesora Waldemara Chrostowskiego w 60. rocznicę urodzin [It is more blessed to give than to receive. Memorial Book for Professor Waldemar Chrostowski in the 60th Anniversary of His Birth], Warszawa 2011, vol. 2, pp. 872-890. ISBN: 9788372329837



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  • W. Kosek, Jezus jako «Anathema» (1Kor 12,3) w świetle Didache 16,5 w tłumaczeniu A. Świderkówny, in: B. Strzałkowska (ed.), Więcej szczęścia jest w dawaniu aniżeli w braniu. Księga pamiątkowa dla Księdza Profesora Waldemara Chrostowskiego w 60. rocznicę urodzin [It is more blessed to give than to receive. Memorial Book for Professor Waldemar Chrostowski in the 60th Anniversary of His Birth], Warszawa 2011, vol. 2, pp. 872-890. ISBN: 9788372329837
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  • BibleWorks 6.0
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  • A. Rahfls, Septuaginta id est Vetus Testamentum Graece iuxta LXX interpreter, Stuttgart 1954
  • A. Jankowski, Jam jest Alfa i Omega (Ap 22,13). Dopowiedzeń chrystologii biblijnej wydanie drugie, rozszerzone [I am Alfa and Omega (Rev 22:13). Second, Extended Edition of Additions to the Biblical Christology], Kraków 2000
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