Published December 1, 2019 | Version v1
Report Open

Equity in the Global Stocktake and Independent Global Stocktake

  • 1. Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Carleton University
  • 2. EcoEquity
  • 3. Stockholm Environment Institute


The Paris Agreement establishes the Global Stocktake as a central component of its ambition raising mechanism and stipulates that the Global Stocktake is to be undertaken "in the light of equity." This paper discusses several of the many aspects of equity that are relevant to either the official Global Stocktake, or to any of the unofficial stocktaking initiatives that are expected to be carried out to complement or inform the official Global Stocktake. The latter includes the Independent Global Stocktake, an emerging such initiative, to which the current paper is a contribution.

In this paper, we discuss specifically 1) the scope of the equity challenge in stocktaking activities, 2) transparency and standards of equity information and benchmarks, 3) climate finance, including means of implementation and support, 4) intranational equity, and 5) procedural equity.

