Published March 1, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

North-american species Quercus L. section Eulepidobalanus Orst. in the arboretum of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine

  • 1. M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine, Kyiv


Objective – to analyze the current of Quercus species of the section Eulepidobalanus Оrst., determine the correspondence of their biological rhythms to the rhythms of climatic factors in the region of introduction and to predict the prospect of their further use.

Material and methods. Objects for study – Q. alba L., Q. bicolor Willd., Q. lyrata Walt., Q. macrocarpa Michx. and Q. prinus L. For their study, tried and tested were used determination of winter hardiness (S.Y. Sokolov, 1957), drought resistance (S.S. Pyatnitsky, 1961), flowering and fruiting, (A.A. Kalinitchenko, 1970), phenological observations (I.N. Beideman, 1974).

Results. Based on the results of the study of literature sources and own field and laboratory studies of the phenological phases of Quercus species of the section Eulepidobalanus, winter and drought resistance, intensity of growth, flowering and fruiting processes, the goodness of the seeds and their field germination, conclusions have been drawn about the success of these species introduction.

Conclusions. Q. alba, Q. bicolor and Q. macrocarpa have high growth rates, they blossom, bear fruit, are sufficiently winter and drought-resistant. With the correct selection of the source material for reproduction the can be recommended for use in ornamental plantation. It is advisable to repeat the test of Q. lyrata. Q. prinus requires repeated testing by seeds of their own reproduction.



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