Published January 1, 2002 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

Specific influences of job satisfaction and work characteristics on the intention to quit: Results of different studies

  • 1. University of Graz


The effects of job satisfaction on turnover intentions often have been assessed with global measurements sof only small effects could be seen. The cybernetic model of job satisfaction regards job satisfaction as process in time: employees with higher expectations and higher dissatisfaction should be found more often in groups with higher turnover intention (intention to quit). In two independent studies (N=987 and N=993) the intention to quit was measured with a short scale of three items and job satisfaction with the Profile Analysis of Job Satisfaction (Jimenez). The results show highly significant differences in all dimensions of job satisfaction; discriminant analyses show consistently important facets (dimensions) of job satisfaction which split up the groups by intention to quit.



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