Published April 30, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Social Mediation Trainings in Social Change and Reconstruction of Social Justice


With globalization, technological developments and the widespread use of social media, social change has 
led to various transformations in social values. This significant social change has had both positive and 
negative impacts across various spheres. Tensions and conflicts arise from disagreements, with criminalizing 
violence becoming a burden for modern states. Social mediation is increasingly seen as vital for resolving 
conflicts and fostering a safer society. In this study, in the context of conflict and reconciliation theories in 
sociology; social mediation will be evaluated in order to eliminate social unrest and tension, reduce judicial 
intensity and rebuild social justice caused by social change caused by globalization, technological 
developments and social media. The methodology of the study will be based on a literature review of the 
concepts used in the study. As a result of the literature review, the findings of the study indicate that conflicts 
of interest in the social sphere lead to tension and cause a great intensity in the legal field. In the face of 
these problems, modern states have actively introduced the social mediation mechanism to ensure social 
peace and social justice in order to ensure legal and social justice. As a result, social mediation has been 
considered as a solution to prevent the incidents that cause tension and violence in the social structure, to 
ensure social peace and justice in order to maintain society on a healthy basis. 


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