Published March 25, 2010 | Version 10988
Journal article Open

Artificial Intelligence for Software Quality Improvement


This paper presents a software quality support tool, a Java source code evaluator and a code profiler based on computational intelligence techniques. It is Java prototype software developed by AI Group [1] from the Research Laboratories at Universidad de Palermo: an Intelligent Java Analyzer (in Spanish: Analizador Java Inteligente, AJI). It represents a new approach to evaluate and identify inaccurate source code usage and transitively, the software product itself. The aim of this project is to provide the software development industry with a new tool to increase software quality by extending the value of source code metrics through computational intelligence.



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  • AI Group:
  • Roe and Lytle, pp. 99, 1935.
  • Moore, pp. 652, 1958.
  • James D. Arthur, "Managing Software Quality: A Measurement Framework for Assessments and Prediction", Springer, 2002.
  • ISO/IEC 9126:
  • Roger S. Pressman, "Ingenier├¡a del Software: Un Enfoque Pr├íctico", Mc Graw Hill, 1998.
  • Stephen H. Kan, "Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering", Addison-Wesley Professional, 2002.
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