Published February 6, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Evaluation of Policy Makers in the Scope of Political Science in the Meaning of Legislators

  • 1. Assoc. Prof., St. Clements University


In order to affect public opinion and decision-making processes, policy makers are essential. They have the authority to create and carry out legislation that might have a big influence on people's lives. A legislator who advocates for tougher gun control legislation, for instance, has the ability to influence public opinion and direct the national conversation on gun violence. Using language and communication techniques, policy makers may also have an impact on society. For instance, a strong legislator may sway public opinion in favor of a certain legislation. Policymakers may do this by providing a compelling justification of the program's benefits. Politics and voter preferences are random processes that interact and have an impact on one another. This implies that popular movements may influence policy and vice versa. The climate around public policy has a big impact on the decisions and actions made by the government. They are valuable information sources that decision-makers may consult. Furthermore, policy makers are influenced by a variety of issues, including technical advancements, economic interests, demographic concerns, and cultural affinities (Kolawole, 2018). Public policy has to be in line with society norms and values in order to succeed and be embraced. Politicians must consider the customs and values of the community. because laws that violate these values might encounter resistance and even lose the support of the general population. The strategies and tactics used in political campaigns greatly influence popular opinion. Election results may be influenced by organizing certain voting coalitions and using effective communication techniques. The capacity to exert influence outside of official decision-making procedures is what constitutes true power in swaying public opinion (Hersh, 2016).


Evaluation of Policy Makers in the Scope of Political Science in the Meaning of Legislators.pdf