Published February 6, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Policy Makers' Influence on How the Public Views and Perceives Politicians

  • 1. St. Clements University, Assoc. Prof.


Public opinion has a significant impact on how policies are shaped and how successful or ineffective political leaders are (Jacobson, 2015). The public's opinion of politicians is greatly influenced by the decisions and actions of policymakers. The public's responsiveness is determined by political propaganda, media exposure, and personal interactions. Because they are tasked with formulating and carrying out laws that directly affect the lives of the masses, policymakers occupy a unique position of power and influence. For better or worse, policymakers impact society by responding to popular needs and concerns (Johnson and Moy, 2016). Decisions made by policymakers have the power to affect public opinion (Jacobson, 2015). For instance, a politician or political party may get more public confidence and support when they implement positive and successful policies like expanding job possibilities or enhancing healthcare. However, public opinion may suffer if legislators are seen as incompetent, unjust, or damaging to certain people or issues. These circumstances may reduce popular support for and confidence in politicians. Policymakers may influence public opinion by using successful communication techniques. Politicians use a range of tactics, including speaking in public, writing newsletters, using social media, and making speeches, to influence policy and legitimize their acts. Policymakers may get public support and votes by presenting their programs' objectives and advantages in a clear and compelling manner.


Policy Makers' Influence on How the Public Views and Perceives Politicians.pdf