Published February 3, 2024 | Version v1
Poster Open

PSF photometry analysis of small solar system objects from ZTF as preparation for the LSST era

  • 1. ROR icon Federal University of Technology – Paraná
  • 2. ROR icon Laboratório Interinstitucional de e-Astronomia
  • 3. Observatório Nacional


Our international collaboration focuses on predicting and observing stellar occultation events by Trans-Neptunian Objects, Centaurs, Trojans, and Satellites. Despite the size constraints from stellar occultation data, we seek to determine their rotation periods for a complete physical characterization of these small bodies. Therefore, this work aims to develop a Python script that downloads public photometric measurements from the ZTF database and analyses them to search for a rotational light curve. ZTF is an extensive database that allows emulating a LSST like system environment. Therefore, despite ZTF data not providing accurate measurements for fainter objects like TNOs, it allows for exhaustive testing of the Python tool before LSST survey data is released. The immense sky and magnitude coverage presented by the ZTF may provide valuable insight into data requirements and limitations for rotational analysis with the LSST data sets. The preliminary findings of this work are presented and discussed in the last section of the poster. Examples of the phase and rotational light curves obtained for known small bodies are discussed, exploring some possible studies that may be developed with ZTF and LSST photometric measurements. 



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