Published January 30, 2024 | Version v1
Working paper Open

Irregular Migrants in the Informal Economy: Conceptual Issues and its Measurement

  • 1. ROR icon University of Oxford


This paper provides a framework for discussing the participation of irregular migrants in the informal economy. Conceptual ambiguities surrounding both informality and irregularity have undermined academic and public discussions of this topic. We review alternative approaches to informality and pin down working definitions for the informal (formal) economy, unregistered (registered) firms, and the category of irregular (regular) migrant workers. Furthermore, we present a discussion of pathways into economic informality at the micro- and macro-levels for employers and workers alike. In particular, we elaborate on the additional and unique incentives and constraints that both regular and irregular migrants face in the labor market. We end with a survey of methodological approaches to measuring the size of the informal economy, with the goal of informing the construction of novel methodologies that generate standalone estimates of the participation of irregular migrants in the informal economy. 


Salihoğlu and Vargas-Silva (2024) - Irregular Migrants in the Informal Economy, Conceptual Issues and its Measurement.pdf

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MIrreM – Measuring Irregular Migration and related Policies 101061314
European Commission
Measuring Irregular Migration and related Policies (MIrreM) 10041473
UK Research and Innovation
Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration, Toronto Metropolitan University 0
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council